
Do not be afraid because of them!

Do not be afraid because of them! But who is “them”?

Do not be afraid because of them! That might sound good. But who said it? Who was it said to? Does it apply to us? And who is “them”? Who is it that we shouldn’t be afraid of? Oh yeah – why shouldn’t we be afraid? These are all good questions. Will we ask them? Or will we just run with the statement not to be afraid? Especially if we’re Christian and we know this comes from the Bible!

Do not be afraid because of them! But who is “them”? More

A healthcare worker dies from COVID

A healthcare worker dies from COVID. Does anybody notice?

A healthcare worker dies from COVID. Does anybody notice? I tried to find out how many healthcare workers died from COVID so far. Even Google, who knows pretty much everything, can’t answer that question. The numbers of dead healthcare workers related to COVID isn’t tracked. And so, in some respects, the answer to the title question is, “No, people don’t notice.” But that’s not quite true. People do notice. Some people. Notice certain deaths. But at the same time, no one notices how many deaths.

A healthcare worker dies from COVID. Does anybody notice? More

Suffering for doing good

Suffering for doing good

If you’ve got that feeling to do good things, even with the potential cost to you, with no ulterior motives, with nothing but unselfish love for someone like your elderly neighbors that you’re shopping for, why not acknowledge that’s God?  Jesus told us He’d try to get our attention.

Here I am! I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in and eat with him, and he with me.

Why not open that door and start bringing an end to the suffering for doing good?

Suffering for doing good More

A trip to Hell - on the way to Heaven

A trip to Hell – on the way to Heaven

Think about this as part of our trip to Hell.  Not after we’re dead – not while we’re on the way to Heaven – because that’s too late.  I say, think about it right now.  Well, how about after you finish reading this.

While we’re “visiting” in Hell, we’ll see all of our friends and loved ones who’ve died, and didn’t make ti to Heaven.  Now, think about how many of those friends we reached out to while they were alive.  How many of them did we share the Gospel with?  How many of them did we try to steer away from Hell, but instead put them on their way to Heaven?

A trip to Hell – on the way to Heaven More

sanitized evil

Sanitized evil

Maybe that’s a problem – sanitizing evil. No – lot’s of people won’t want to see it. But to some extent – maybe we should. We can’t smell it.  We can’t get inside the head of the person who committed the act. And we think – “it’s bad”.   But we still don’t really know.

Sanitized evil More

Lord, you have been our dwelling place - Moses

Lord, you have been our dwelling place

Lord, you have been our dwelling place.  Moses wrote that in Psalm 90.  It’s from the very first verse.
Ps 90:1 Lord, you have been our dwelling place throughout all generations.

But wait.  This is part 2 of a series about “The End”. Why are we looking at the beginning?  Well, it’s because what happens at the end is very much dependent on the beginning and the middle.  And on one other thing.  Honesty.

Lord, you have been our dwelling place More

Are there assault weapons in Heaven?

Do you really think the God you claim to believe in and follow would be pleased about the part you play in this whole assault weapon industry?  Maybe you make them for sale to individuals.  Maybe you sell them.  Maybe you protect the right for people to have them – at the same time protecting our “right” to be killed by them?  Maybe you own one, claiming one of the reasons above for having it.  Would God be pleased with you?

Are there assault weapons in Heaven? More

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