A deeper look at familiar Bible passages

If God is for us, who can be against us?

If God is for us, who can be against us?

If God is for us, who can be against us? It’s a question that sounds like the answer is “No one can be against us if God is for us!” At least it’s probably an answer some Christians agree with. But guess what? That’s not the right answer. Come to think of it, it’s not even the right question. Even if it is a quote from the Bible and a line from a popular Christian song.

If God is for us, who can be against us? More

If you want to walk on water ... expect a storm

If you want to walk on water … expect a storm

If you want to walk on water … expect a storm. If you want to walk on water is the beginning of a great John Ortberg book. His book title ended with You’ve got to get out of the boat. I borrowed the first part but switched out the ending to expect a storm.

However, there’s part of that “getting out of the boat” that isn’t always so obvious.
Or maybe it is obvious. But we choose to ignore it? I expect it’s the latter. We want to ignore it.

If you want to walk on water … expect a storm More

Jesus healed a leper -Jesus healed a leper. Why was more required?

Jesus healed a leper. Why was more required?

Jesus healed a leper. Why was more required? Do you remember? But if he was healed, why did Jesus tell him to go see a priest? The event is recorded in three of the Gospels. And they all tell it pretty much the same way. All three leave us with questions. Why did the healed man have to go see a Jewish priest? Why was that necessary? And to make it even more odd, Jesus told the man not to tell anyone how he was healed! What’s going on?

Jesus healed a leper. Why was more required? More

What a tangled web we weave when we try to deceive God

What a tangled web we weave when we try to deceive God – Part 1

What a tangled web we weave when we’re double-hearted.  It happens a lot.  We want one thing.  We know we should want another thing.  It’s like those old commercials where there’s an angel on someone’s shoulder.  And a devil on the other shoulder.  Both tell us what to do.  We’d like to get the angel to tell us that what the devil said is OK.

And in the commercial – that can happen.  Like with chocolate milk.  Unfortunately, in real life – as in a good versus evil scenario – that’s just not going to happen.  Why not?  Because those aren’t the real life choices.

What a tangled web we weave when we try to deceive God – Part 1 More

Greater love has no one ...

Greater love has no one …

Greater love has no one …   Most of you recognize those words.  And know how they end.  Greater love has no one than this, that he lay down his life for his friends.  But what do they really mean?  Do these words tell us that the greatest love we can show for another person is to die for them?  Literally, physically, die?

On it’s face, it seems rather extreme.  While not discounting times when literally, physically dying does, in fact, show great love, I can’t help but wonder if that’s the only thing Jesus meant when He said that.  Given the context within which Jesus made that one extracted sentence, I feel it means more.  Given the overall context of a Christian who truly works at following Jesus’ teachings, I believe it means a whole lot more.

It matters what that line means.  We’ll explore why as we go along.

Greater love has no one … More

A light on a hill? Or a noisy gong?

A light on a hill? Or a noisy gong?

Here’s a question for Christians.  Are you a light on a hill? Or a noisy gong?  Or are you just wondering why I’m asking?  It is a legitimate question.   We’re supposed to be “making disciples”.  But how?  Are we supposed to beat people over the head until they finally give in?  I know that’s been done.  Is still being done.  But is it what Jesus asked for? 

The same can be asked of any “in your face” approach to making people become Christians.  The thing about “making disciples” is that Jesus said a whole lot more than just “go do it!”.  He taught us how.  He was a living example of how to do it.  But do we pay attention to that part?  

A light on a hill? Or a noisy gong? More

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