Advanced Searches

Advanced search options are available to find articles based on either a book from the Bible or a particular Bible Passage.

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Search by Bible Passage

This will return all articles that contain references to the Bible passage you select from the list below. Note, passage names are from the 1984 NIV translation.

There is at least one article for each book in the list. The rare exception is if you happen to select a passage while in literally in the process of writing the first article to use that passage.

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Search by book of the Bible

This will return all articles that contain references to the book off the Bible you select from the list below.  Note, passage names are from the 1984 NIV translation.

If Christians are a new creation, why isn't everything perfect?

If Christians are a new creation, why isn’t everything perfect?

If Christians are a new creation, why isn't everything perfect? I ask the question because of today's Verse of the ...
We will all get through this together!

We will not all get through this together!

We will not all get through this together! But, you know what? COVID's not the worst thing we won't all ...
merry christmas or blessed christmas

Merry Christmas? or Blessed Christmas?

Here in the U.S. the push is for Christians to say Merry Christmas. Actually, it's more of a push by ...
Can we give thanks on Thanksgiving 2020?

Can we give thanks on Thanksgiving 2020?

2020 has been a difficult year. COVID is all over the world. With it comes various restrictions that make people ...
Darwin and COVID

Darwin and COVID – Darwin didn’t say that the strongest survive.

I heard a restaurant owner on the news this morning talking about Darwin and COVID. He was talking about how ...
So in love with two - Jesus and ???

So in love with two – Jesus and ???

You may remember So in love with two. It comes from a song about a girl in love with two ...
How did Christianity get to be like this?

How did Christianity get to be like this?

How did Christianity get to be like this? You ask, Like what? Let me answer, initially, with a hint, rather ...
What happened to Christian transformation - becoming more Christ-like?

What happened to Christian transformation – becoming more Christ-like?

What happened to Christian transformation? You know - becoming more Christ-like? It used to be important. But now, does it ...
crying doll, to illustrate mourning over the loss of in-person church services

Mourning over the loss of in-person church services

Do you mourn over the loss of in-person church services? If so, you're not alone. But my question is actually ...
Donnie - who am I to complain?

But then, who am I to complain?

I've been so tired the last month or so. Donnie, the little guy in the picture, has to go out ...

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