Advanced Searches

Advanced search options are available to find articles based on either a book from the Bible or a particular Bible Passage.

I wish you could search all at once. However, that capability is beyond what I can offer for no charge. And I really don’t want to charge for anything on the site. So, with apologies, you must pick a site.

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Search by Bible Passage

This will return all articles that contain references to the Bible passage you select from the list below. Note, passage names are from the 1984 NIV translation.

There is at least one article for each book in the list. The rare exception is if you happen to select a passage while in literally in the process of writing the first article to use that passage.

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Search by book of the Bible

This will return all articles that contain references to the book off the Bible you select from the list below.  Note, passage names are from the 1984 NIV translation.

free will in the garden of eden

Free Will in the Garden of Eden

Did Adam and Eve have free will in the Garden of Eden? Even lots of non-Christians know something about Adam, ...
Physicists Eye Parallel Universe, Extra Dimensions

Physicists Eye Parallel Universe, Extra Dimensions

It's great when stories like this one come out. Physicists are still looking for proof that parallel universe(s) exist - ...
Your Kingdom Come ... on earth ...

Your Kingdom Come … on earth … Are we really ready?

Your Kingdom come. Do we realize the full implication of these words? We pray for God’s Kingdom to come. But do ...

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