Advanced Searches

Advanced search options are available to find articles based on either a book from the Bible or a particular Bible Passage.

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Search by Bible Passage

This will return all articles that contain references to the Bible passage you select from the list below. Note, passage names are from the 1984 NIV translation.

There is at least one article for each book in the list. The rare exception is if you happen to select a passage while in literally in the process of writing the first article to use that passage.

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Search by book of the Bible

This will return all articles that contain references to the book off the Bible you select from the list below.  Note, passage names are from the 1984 NIV translation.

Elections and Faith

Elections and Faith

As we approach voting time, many people will vote according to their faith. Who knows - some may even vote ...
Receive the Holy Spirit

The problem of “Receive the Holy Spirit”

And with that he breathed on them and said, Receive the Holy Spirit.   This verse is from John 20:22.  Yes ...
let the dead bury the dead

Let the dead bury the dead

Let the dead bury the dead.  What does that even mean?  How can one dead person bury another one?  Actually, ...
Real Christianity isn't easy. You do not want to leave too, do you?

Being a real Christian isn’t easy. You do not want to leave too, do you?

Becoming a Christian is easy.  You know - say the sinner's prayer and voila, you're a Christian.  Or so we're ...
The Lord gives and the Lord takes away

The Lord gives and The Lord takes away

The Lord gives and the Lord takes away.  It's a pretty common saying.  It's most likely to be used when ...
Grown-again Christian

Grown-again Christian

Have you ever heard of a Grown-again Christian?  Me neither. But the Apostle Paul did. "But for right now, friends, ...
Wipe away every tear: the greatest miracle?

Wipe away every tear from their eyes: the greatest miracle?

And God will wipe away every tear from their eyes.  This tells of a time when we won't cry anymore.  ...
Christianity signing its own death warrant

Is liberal Christianity signing its own death warrant?

Is liberal Christianity signing its own death warrant?  That question was from 2012.  Maybe a better question for today is ...
losing confidence

Confidence in organized religion hits all-time low in Gallup Poll

But let's look beyond just confidence in organized religion.  If you have little to no confidence in your church, you ...
non-prodigal son - the "good" son

The non-prodigal son

Lots of people know the story of the Prodigal Son. Even many non-Christians. But what of his brother? In Luke's ...

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