Colored pencil sketch of Jesus speaking to a modern-day group on a hillside to show faith, love and trust in God, as written in the God versus religion: faith, love and trust in God web site.

God versus religion: faith, love and trust in God
Reflective Bible Study

I've been doing this for more than a dozen years now. And I've never actually written anything on what the site is about. It seemed obvious to me. And yet, I guess it really isn't obvious to everyone. Just like the Bible's not obvious to everyone. So now, here's God ...

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God versus religion: faith, love and trust in God is focused on reflective Bible study. Here are the key takeaways:
Reflective Approach: The author emphasizes a reflective study method, aiming to open up the meanings of God’s Word with additional information that most people may not have.
Contextual Understanding: It includes understanding the Bible’s context—written for a different time, people, and language—enhancing comprehension of the scriptures.
Stringing Pearls: The site uses a method called “stringing pearls,” referencing various verses together, trying to follow how Rabbis taught in the past.
God vs Religion: It explores the differences between personal beliefs and institutionalized religion.
The page’s goal is not to dictate beliefs but to facilitate deeper understanding and discussions about faith, love, and trust in God.

Dare mightier things - even more than Mars Perseverance Rover

Dare mightier things – even more than Mars Perseverance Rover

I just watched the landing of NASA's Perseverance on BBC. An amazing accomplishment. Katty and Christian were all excited about it. Everyone they interviewed was celebrating and grinning from ear to ear. As I was watching the people in NASA's control room, I couldn't help but notice some words on ...

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Dare mightier things – even more than Mars Perseverance Rover is a reflective Bible study.
It encourages readers to think deeply about their beliefs and how they align with what God says about Himself using the example of the Perseverance Rover mission to draw parallels with spiritual exploration and understanding.
The discussion prompts readers to consider their own spiritual journeys and the concept of “daring mightier things” in their faith.

After reading Augustine quote on Christian faith, the question arises: What is faith? Blind? Circular logic? Or the truth?

What is faith? Blind? Circular logic? Or the truth?
The problem with faith - to believe or not to believe

What is faith? In this specific case, what is Christian faith? People have lots of ideas about that. Some think faith is blind. Others may think the reasoning behind Christian faith is circular logic. Others believe Christian faith is the truth ...

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What is faith? Blind? Circular logic? Or the truth? is a mix of reflective and application Bible study, as it reflects on scripture and applies its lessons to real-life questions of faith. It discusses the concept of faith in Christianity. Here’s a summary of the key points:
Nature of Faith: The page explores different perspectives on faith, including views that consider it to be blind, based on circular logic, or the ultimate truth.
Parable of the Sower: It draws parallels between responses to faith and Jesus’ Parable of the Sower, emphasizing different outcomes based on the type of ‘soil’ the seeds of faith land on.
Hebrews and Faith: The author reflects on the book of Hebrews, discussing its authorship and its significance in understanding faith from a Messianic Jewish perspective.
Conclusion on Faith: The page concludes by discussing faith as hope for the future, referencing Romans 8 and the concept of future glory, and challenges readers to consider their beliefs and the implications of faith in God and the Bible.
The study is a mix of reflective and application Bible study, as it reflects on scripture and applies its lessons to real-life questions of faith. It does not strictly follow an inductive or topical study format.

Are we the good Samaritan? Or the robber? - illustrated by a homeless person sleeping on a bench in an alley full of graffiti while a young boy plays with his toys on the same bench.

Are we the good Samaritan? Or the robber?
We are one or the other

Are we the good Samaritan? Or the robber? We are all one or the other. There’s no saying that we’ve never been in the scenario Jesus painted. Because we’re in. Right now. Every. Single. one. of. us. Everyone! ...

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Are we the good Samaritan? Or the robber? is a reflective Bible study. Here’s a brief overview:
Reflective Nature: The page encourages readers to reflect on their own lives in the context of the Parable of the Good Samaritan, asking whether they are more like the Good Samaritan or the robber in their actions, especially in relation to the COVID-19 pandemic and its effects on homelessness.
Personal Application: It prompts personal introspection about one’s actions during the pandemic, such as wearing masks and social distancing, and how these actions relate to the broader societal issues like homelessness.
Biblical Analysis: The study includes a detailed analysis of the Parable of the Good Samaritan from the Bible, linking it to contemporary issues and urging readers to consider their role in society.
Societal Context: It discusses the impact of COVID-19 on employment and homelessness, challenging readers to consider their responsibility towards others in light of Christian teachings.
The study uses the biblical text to encourage deep personal reflection and application to modern-day life and social issues.

An old, run down church that's physically destroyed, but was ruined first because of the ways people in church destroy churches from the inside.

Ways people in church destroy churches from the inside

There was a series on earlier this year. 10 Ways We May Be Destroying Our Churches. Of course, there are more than ten. So, I borrowed the thought and called my series Ways people in church destroy churches from the inside ...

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Ways people in church destroy churches from the inside has elements of three different Bible stydy types. As such, it doesn’t fit neatly in any one of them.Here’s a summary of the type of Bible study it represents:
Inductive Study: The page does not follow an inductive study approach, which typically involves observation, interpretation, and application directly from the text, without prior knowledge or assumptions.
Topical Study: It seems to be a topical study, as it discusses specific topics like the ways people in church can cause harm internally and references relevant Bible passages to explore these issues.
Reflective Study: The page includes reflective elements, encouraging readers to consider their own beliefs and actions in light of the biblical passages and concepts presented.
Application Study: There is an emphasis on application, as the page urges readers to live by the Spirit and avoid destructive behaviors within the church community, applying the teachings to real-life situations.
It addresses the serious nature of seemingly small sins like gossip and their impact on the church’s spiritual health.

An image of God appearing over a crowd of people praying, to illustrate: Psalm 33 - The Lord is our help and our shield

Psalm 33 – The Lord is our help and our shield
But, to help us do what?

The Psalm says, “We wait in hope for the Lord, He is our help and our shield”. But what does that really mean? The Lord is our help and shield to do what, exactly? What’s the goal? And who/what are we shielded from? When you read the entire Psalm, it’s ...

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Overall, the Psalm 33 study incorporates elements of all of the following four types of study, making it a comprehensive approach to Bible study.
Inductive Study: The page includes a detailed examination of Psalm 33, encouraging readers to observe the text closely and draw conclusions from it.
Topical Study: The study focuses on specific themes such as worship, praise, and the attributes of God as our help and shield.
Reflective Study: It prompts reflection on the deeper meaning behind the Psalm and its relevance to the reader’s beliefs and understanding of God.
Application Study: The page encourages applying the insights gained from Psalm 33 to one’s life, emphasizing trust and worship of God.

China bombed a megachurch in attempt to redefine Christianity

China bombed a megachurch in attempt to redefine Christianity
And it might affect you

Yes, you read that correctly. China bombed a megachurch. And the bombing was legal. It was part of their ongoing attempt to redefine Christianity and make it into a Communist China church that has nothing to do with Jesus ...
Small fishing boats double as church under penalty of death

Small fishing boats double as church under penalty of death
Do you love Jesus enough to do that?

Would you go to church in a boat? What about under penalty of death if you're caught? I wonder what I would do. What about you? Under what circumstances are we willing to attend any church under penalty of death? It's happening right now ...
When governments redefine Christianity, who do its follower pray to - illustrated by a man praying to a giant statue of a question mark.

Can China and U.S. governments define a new Christianity?

Who gets to define religion? In our case, specifically, who gets to define the new Christianity? China passed a set of religious regulations about six years ago. I started to write about them a couple of times. It was never quite right though. I felt like the U.S., in some ...
Why do rich people give their money away?

Why do rich people give money away?

Why do rich people give money away? No, they don't all do that. But some do. And they get cheered for it. But do you ever wonder, why do they give it away? And should we be cheering? ...
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