Thoughts on Psalms

This section is more or less a journal. As such, it’s not my typical writing. It’s not even an attempt at a mildly deep study. Rather, it’s what stuck me about each passage on the day and at the time I read it. Then with just enough background to give some idea why those thoughts came to mind.

Psalm 23 – Fear no evil in the valley of the shadow of death

Fear no evil in the valley of the shadow of death

Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil. The 23rd Psalm says that. But is it for real? Can it really happen? Maybe for David, who wrote the Psalm. But for us today?


Psalm 22 – Is everyone saved by Jesus’ death?

Is everyone saved by Jesus' death?

Is everyone saved by Jesus’ death? That’s an idea that some people believe. Or at least want to believe. David appears to say everyone will be saved in Psalm 22. But did he really say that?


Psalm 21 – How much do we really trust God?

Psalm 21 - How much do we really trust God?

Do we trust God? Lots of people probably answer yes. But how much do we really trust God? Enough that our life is guided by Him? Or is God merely along for the ride while we go wherever we want? And while we do whatever we want? That’s my question after reading Psalm 21.


Psalm 20 – Will God give us the desires of our heart?

Psalm 20 - Will God give us the desires of our heart like a genie?

Will God give us the desires of our heart? David seems to pray for that to happen in Psalm 20. But is God like a genie or something? Can we rub His tummy or say some magic words and get whatever we wish for?


Psalm 19 – Stop and smell the roses – then love their creator

Psalm 19 - Stop and smell the roses - then love their creator

Stop and smell the roses. Then love their creator. We usually hear “stop and smell the roses”. But there’s so much more to life than “just” doing that. So much we miss out on if that’s “all” we do.


Psalm 18 – God saves us from our enemies, but who are they?

Psalm 18 - God saves us from our enemies, but who are they?

God saves us from our enemies, but who are they? In Psalm 18 David goes into great detail about his enemies. Old Testament enemies. But who’s the real enemy today?


Psalm 17 – How New Testament prayers differ from the Old Testament

How New Testament prayers differ from the Old Testament

Do New Testament prayers differ from the Old Testament? But wait – the title says “how” – not “do”! So there must be differences. Aren’t we still praying to God? Well, yes. But there are differences between the Old and the New Covenants. Therefore, it’s not unreasonable to see differences in the way we pray today.


Psalm 16 – Did David know about resurrection and eternal life?

Did David know about resurrection and eternal life?

Did David know about resurrection and eternal life? Even in Jesus’ time, the Jewish leaders disagreed over whether resurrection was a thing. The Pharisees believed in resurrection. The Sadducees did not. Who knows where this split came from? But did David really know? It seems he did.


psalm 15 – Is anyone good enough for God?

Is anyone good enough for God

Is anyone good enough for God? That’s a question lots of us probably ask. Often, we probably think we’re not good enough. Depending on what we read in the Bible, that conclusion is easy to confirm. And yet, it’s wrong. Very wrong.


Psalm 14 – Has everyone really turned away from God?

Has everyone really turned away from God?

David seems to create an impossible scenario in Psalm 14. In one verse he writes, All have turned aside – meaning all have turned away from God. And yet, later he also writes, God is present in the company of the righteous. How is this possible?

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