Thoughts on Psalms
This section is more or less a journal. As such, it’s not my typical writing. It’s not even an attempt at a mildly deep study. Rather, it’s what stuck me about each passage on the day and at the time I read it. Then with just enough background to give some idea why those thoughts came to mind.
Psalm 13 – God Is Good Even When He Says Wait Longer?
Can we honestly believe that God is good even when He says, wait longer? Psalm 12 looked at God telling us to, in today’s terms, hang in there. Now, God’s saying wait longer. Really? And on top of it, we’re still supposed to say, God is good? Yes! Absolutely! ‘Cause He is.
...Psalm 12 – Oppression of the weak isn’t new
Oppression of the weak in this world almost seems like a global sport. If you’re like me, you feel like it’s worse than ever. But is it? Oppression of the weak isn’t new. It’s been around for as long as there’ve been people.
...Psalm 11 – Sometimes God tells us to hang in there
Have you ever called out to God for help? For an answer of some kind? But nothing happens? There’s no answer. Your situation doesn’t change. You don’t hear yes. Or no. The thing is, sometimes God tells us to hang in there. To wait. With no reason given.
...Psalm 10 – Complain about God to God
Complain about God to God? Is that a good thing? How many of us are afraid to complain to God about Himself? Or think that’s a bad thing to do? Maybe even a sin? On the other hand, how many of us are so angry about our issues with God, valid or not, that we don’t hesitate to make a list of our complaints and then “let Him have it”?
...Psalm 9 – Praise the Lord when things are bad?
Seriously? Praise the Lord when things are bad? No problem, when things are going well. When we get what we want. But how many of us feel like praising God when things, for lack of a better word, suck? If I had a motto for my life, years ago it would have been: life sucks and then you die. Not any more. What changed? And why do I agree with the title, Praise the Lord when things are bad?
...Psalm 8 – I can’t believe God cares about me
Psalm 8 is known by most Christians. Maybe not by name, but for one verse, where David, in more modern language says. I can’t believe God cares about me. Actually, about people in general. But since we tend to be more me-centric, I chose the word me.
...Psalm 7 – If we don’t trust God then who will save us?
The Bible tells us that God says “vengeance is mine”. But even Christians are people. And people tend to want to get our own revenge. So it leaves us with a bit of a problem. Sometimes a huge problem. If we don’t trust God to get the revenge He claims as His own, then do we even trust God to save us? And if not God, then who will save us?
...Psalm 6 – Is there a relationship between sin and illness?
Did David really write a Psalm asking: Is there a relationship between sin and illness? No. And yet, it’s a question that comes up from Psalm 6. Too often, we behave like Job’s friends, even though God told them Job was right and they were wrong. So what’s happening here?
...Psalm 5 – Take refuge and be glad?
Seriously? Take refuge and be glad? Aren’t we fighters? Can’t we take care of ourselves? Why should we settle for just taking refuge instead of going on a counterattack?
...Psalm 4 – Feel God’s peace even when things are bad
Christians talk about God’s peace. Do things need to be going well in order to feel that peace? Or can we feel God’s peace when things start to improve? Or, would you believe, can we feel His peace even if nothing’s changed about our situation at all?