In The Beginning
A Series looking at In The Beginning – Genesis Chapter 1
In The Beginning

Now the earth was formless and empty
In the beginning. Or maybe shortly after the beginning. Either way, at some point, the earth was formless and empty ...
In The Beginning

Creation from nothing? Earth was formless …
The earth was formless, darkness was over the surface of the deep, and the Spirit of God was hovering over ...
In The Beginning

In the beginning, but which beginning?
Lots of people recognize the words, In the beginning, as the first three words in the Bible. Or, more properly, ...
In The Beginning

In the beginning God created … (what? when?)
In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. We kind of know what the earth is. But what ...
In The Beginning

Did God really create everything in six 24-hour days?
Did God really create everything in six 24-hour days? Is it seven days of creation or seven creation days? Is ...
In The Beginning

How does rest influence the seven days of creation?
Sometimes we need to take a break. And if we really need one and don't take it, God might tell ...