Predestiny versus Free Will
Predestiny versus Free Will is like asking, who dunnit? Do people go to Hell only based on God’s will, from before we were born? Or are we involved in some manner when it comes to our final destination in the next life? Or, is it possible that some were called for tasks that predestined them for Heaven – like the Apostles – and the rest of us are free to choose?
Series number:

Is predestiny about who we are or free will choices? Calvinist beliefs.
Predestiny and free will are two choices given to us by Christian denominations. By people, really. Those who influence what denominations believe about what God said. But are they choices given to us by God? You know, the One who gave the words to the people who actually wrote the ...
Series number:

The problem of predestiny
While proponents of predestiny would say the difference between offered to all and accepted by some is because God predetermined who would accept - does that not mean God / Jesus lied when they said the offer was for all? ...
Series number:

The problem of Either/Or: Free Will vs Predestiny
Many people take one side of an issue. It's an either - or thing. .But what of there's another possibility? No - not a third option, but the possibility that "either" and "or" are both correct. Sounds impossible, doesn't it? Especially when people are so passionate (stubborn?) about the issue ...
Series number:

The Problem of Free Will
Free will means there's responsibility attached to our choices. If there's a price to pay for a given choice, the bill comes to us. Free will means that when we mess up, we are at least partly at fault. It's hard to blame someone else for choices that we made ...