Questions to ask ourselves

Do Christians know who is poor?

Do Christians know who is poor?

The Bible says we should care for the poor. But do Christians know who is poor? I always thought, for the most part, it was pretty obvious who was poor and who was rich. Maybe the middle is hard to determine, but the rich and the poor? I didn't think ...

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Do Christians know who is poor? is a reflective Bible study. Here’s why:
Personal Reflection: The author shares personal thoughts and feelings about the issue of poverty and Christian responsibility, which is indicative of a reflective approach.
Biblical References: The page includes references to biblical passages and their interpretations, but the focus is on how these scriptures relate to the author’s life and contemporary issues.
Application to Life: The study applies biblical concepts to real-life situations, such as the plight of the homeless in Los Angeles and the misconceptions about poverty among students.
Thought-Provoking Questions: The author poses questions that encourage readers to think deeply about their own beliefs and actions in relation to the teachings of the Bible.
This type of study is designed to provoke introspection and personal transformation rather than just conveying factual knowledge or doctrinal teaching.

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