God’s Love and Ours

How did Christianity get to be like this?

How did Christianity get to be like this?

How did Christianity get to be like this? You ask, Like what? Let me answer, initially, with a hint, rather than a direct answer. Some think one of the worst things to happen to Christianity was when Roman Emperor Constantine converted to Christianity. As history is showing, that’s more significant that most people probably realize. The parallels to what’s going on in the U.S. today are incredible.

Historians now debate whether “the first Christian emperor” was a Christian at all. Some think him an unprincipled power seeker. What religion he had, many argue, was at best a blend of paganism and Christianity for purely political purposes.

How did Christianity get to be like this? More

don't start the day without a plan

Don’t settle for less, #02: don’t start the day without a plan

Don’t start the day without a plan.  It’s the second in a series of traits for successful people in the secular world that we’re going to look at.  However, we’re going to see how these same traits can be applied to becoming a “successful” Christian.  Someone who not only has an idea what Christianity is really about, but who also lives it.  Finally, who also does the Great Commission and not what Dallas Willard calls the Great Omission.

Don’t settle for less, #02: don’t start the day without a plan More

beer, biscuits and butter - is that settling for less

Beer, biscuits and butter – is that settling for less?

Beer, biscuits and butter – is that settling for less?  Some people will ask, “less than what?”  Others will just say, “I’m fine with that.”  How about you?  Is that enough to make you happy?  Keep you happy?  Or do you want more?  A whole lot more?

It seems weird – a site about religion talking about beer, biscuits, butter and bourbon.  Relax, I’m not going to get into the evils of drinking and eating unhealthy food. 

No, we need to consider something Jesus said.  Something we probably just assume means we can eat whatever we want.  But Jesus points out a whole new category of things that we should have been watching out for all along.  But probably didn’t.  Check it out.

Beer, biscuits and butter – is that settling for less? More

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