In Athens

Important: is the Bible relevant today?

Is the Bible relevant today?

Is the Bible relevant today?  Of course, I say yes – absolutely.  The Bible is relevant today!  But then there’s the question of why?  Why should anyone believe the Bible is relevant today?   

To that end, I’m going to do a series on something written for secular people.  23 Things Successful People Never Do, from  It’s an interesting approach.  I was surprised how much the general thoughts line up with things Christians should do.  The only real differences were in the actual examples, not in the concepts.  In a way, maybe not all that surprising.  

Jesus came to earth to die for us, and one of the results of that is that His followers can have “life to the full”.  Let’s examine that passage.  After that, we can better understand why a Christian might want to look at a secular list of things to not do.

Is the Bible relevant today? More

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