The Greatest Commandment - Matthew and Mark

Why should Trump attack on anti-Christian bias worry Christians?

Why should Trump attack on anti-Christian bias worry Christians?
It should worry everyone!

No, that’s not a typo in the title. I am really asking “Why should Trump attack on anti-Christian bias worry Christians?” Of course, he’ll go after things non-Christians say. But there’s something even worse than that. He will also launch attacks on Christians who actually follow what Jesus taught instead of towing the MAGA Christian line.

Why should Trump attack on anti-Christian bias worry Christians?
It should worry everyone!

A scene with many paths to begin to answer the question - How come so many Christians don’t really know God?

How come so many Christians don’t really know God?

It seems like a weird, even dumb, question. How come so many Christians don’t really know God? It’s a very important question with a very disturbing answer. It’s all too easy for Christians to not know God! The headline shocked me. 51% of Churchgoers Don’t Know of the Great Commission, according to a Barna survey. I also found it very disappointing. Depressing even.

How come so many Christians don’t really know God? More

Baseball players practice - Do you ever practice living a Christian life of faith?

Do you ever practice living a Christian life of faith?
Or do you put Jesus on hold 'til you really need Him?

Do you ever practice living a Christian life of faith? Huh? Practice? What’s to practice? Doesn’t the Holy Spirit just kind of come in and take over? Why do I need to practice anything? I’m too busy practicing for my career to worry about this kind of thing!

Do you ever practice living a Christian life of faith?
Or do you put Jesus on hold 'til you really need Him?

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