revenge - If we don't trust God then who will save us?

Psalm 7 – If we don’t trust God then who will save us?

The Bible tells us that God says "vengeance is mine". But even Christians are people. And people tend to want to get our own revenge. So it leaves us with a bit of a problem. Sometimes a huge problem. If we don't trust God to get the revenge He claims ...
Do not be afraid, focus on treasures in Heaven

Do not be afraid, focus on treasures in Heaven

Do not be afraid. Do not even be afraid of cancer. Instead, focus on treasures in Heaven. I went to my oncologist yesterday. It's time to begin radiation treatment. Now, today, I'm going to write from the point of view of the man in the image below. Climbing stairs into ...
sin and illness and operating room

Psalm 6 – Is there a relationship between sin and illness?

Did David really write a Psalm asking: Is there a relationship between sin and illness? No. And yet, it's a question that comes up from Psalm 6. Too often, we behave like Job's friends, even though God told them Job was right and they were wrong. So what's happening here? ...
Take refuge and be glad

Psalm 5 – Take refuge and be glad?

Seriously? Take refuge and be glad? Aren't we fighters? Can't we take care of ourselves? Why should we settle for just taking refuge instead of going on a counterattack? ...
2023.01.06 Psalms 004 - Feel God's peace even when things are bad

Psalm 4 – Feel God’s peace even when things are bad

Christians talk about God's peace. Do things need to be going well in order to feel that peace? Or can we feel God's peace when things start to improve? Or, would you believe, can we feel His peace even if nothing's changed about our situation at all? ...
God is there when we need him

Psalm 3 – God is there when we need Him

God is there when we need Him. And for true Christians, who honestly try to follow Jesus, He's with us all the time. We might not feel like it. But He is ...
our relationship with God

Psalm 2 – We make our relationship with God so difficult

We make our relationship with God so difficult. But it really shouldn't be. We must make a choice for God or not. You really can't sit on the fence with God ...
Why do bad things happen to good people?

Why do bad things happen to good people?

Why do bad things happen to good people? I know this is a question that gets asked a lot. Especially when bad things happen to people that someone thinks are good ...
2023.01.03 Psalms 001 - delight is in the law of the LORD

Psalm 1 – delight is in the law of the LORD

Ps 1:2 But his delight is in the law of the LORD, and on his law he meditates day and night. I really wondered about this concept a lot last year. The part about meditating on it day and night. The question is whether there's more to life than meditating ...
Peace I leave you - My peace I give to you.

Peace I leave you – My peace I give you.

Peace I leave you - My peace I give you. That's what Jesus said to His disciples. Sounds like an odd thing to say while He's also telling them that He's going to leave them soon. The disciples had to wonder, how can Jesus leave us His peace when He's ...
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