Tears of God? I can't imagine there's even one second when someone isn't doing something to make God cry. Maybe someone who hasn't been saved - dies - and is forever lost. Could be someone who hasn't been saved yet - but will be. Or someone who has been saved - but even then we still continue to sin and hurt God.

Tears of God

Tears of God? I can't imagine there's even one second when someone isn't doing something to make God cry. Maybe someone who hasn't been saved - dies - and is forever lost. Could be someone who hasn't been saved yet - but will be. Or someone who has been saved ...
broken heart for broken world

We can only help the broken world around us if …

We can all be that someone who helps the broken world around us. Someone that maybe we didn't have when we needed them.  We can be that someone for one of God's children today.  But we can only do that if we're willing to be vulnerable ourselves - and share ...
sanitized evil

Sanitized evil

Maybe that's a problem - sanitizing evil. No - lot's of people won't want to see it. But to some extent - maybe we should. We can't smell it.  We can't get inside the head of the person who committed the act. And we think - "it's bad".   But ...
Where are you?

Where Are You?

Where Are You? You probably think "Where Are You" is a person asking God where He is. Wrong! Well - sort of wrong ...
Lord, you have been our dwelling place - Moses

Lord, you have been our dwelling place

Lord, you have been our dwelling place.  Moses wrote that in Psalm 90.  It's from the very first verse. Ps 90:1 Lord, you have been our dwelling place throughout all generations. But wait.  This is part 2 of a series about "The End". Why are we looking at the beginning?  Well, ...
Americans want to read the Bible more, but don't.

Americans want to read the Bible more, but don’t.

Do you want to read the Bible more than you have in the past?  If so, you're not alone.  Have you been successful in reading the Bible more often?  Then you are nearly alone. That's very sad.  Especially when you see what's coming in this article and in the rest ...
persecute - prison cell - specifically, persecution of Christians

But before all this, they will lay hands on you and persecute you

"But before all this, they will lay hands on you and persecute you."   This is something most Christians would have read.  Hopefully, we also remember.  But, do we really believe it?  Maybe we believe it, as long as it's for someone else and not for us.  You know -NIMBY - ...
Before the rooster crows, but was it once or twice?

Before the rooster crows, but was it once or twice?

So which one is it?  Was Jesus telling Peter the rooster was going to crow once, or twice?  Does it matter? Well, yes it does matter.  You don't want to give someone a "free pass" to say there's a discrepancy between the Gospels, and therefore there is an error in ...
Stephen Hawking - paraphrase - even believers in predestiny look before crossing the street.

The problem of predestiny

While proponents of predestiny would say the difference between offered to all and accepted by some is because God predetermined who would accept - does that not mean God / Jesus lied when they said the offer was for all? ...
I Never Knew You, Part 2

I Never Knew You, Part 2

I Never Knew You.  Most Christians will recognize these words as the scariest ones in the Bible.  They're from a passage in Matthew. The thing is - while "I never knew you" can be spelled using the letters of the alphabet at the right, we cannot tell "who" never knew ...
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