Search Results for: Abraham

Why does Christmas matter?

Why does Christmas matter?

Honestly, those are the reasons we celebrate.  Not just because a cute cuddly baby was born.  But because that cute cuddly baby was God in human form, who came here to suffer and die for us. And look what we've done with that day.  That season.  We commit even more ...
beer, biscuits and butter - is that settling for less

Beer, biscuits and butter – is that settling for less?

Beer, biscuits and butter - is that settling for less?  Some people will ask, "less than what?"  Others will just say, "I'm fine with that."  How about you?  Is that enough to make you happy?  Keep you happy?  Or do you want more?  A whole lot more? It seems weird ...
Suffering for doing good

Suffering for doing good

If you've got that feeling to do good things, even with the potential cost to you, with no ulterior motives, with nothing but unselfish love for someone like your elderly neighbors that you're shopping for, why not acknowledge that's God?  Jesus told us He'd try to get our attention. Here ...
Can Christians focus on Jesus now? Please?

Can Christians focus on Jesus now? Please?

Can Christians focus on Jesus now? Please? We all realize murder is wrong. What we don't seem to realize, haven't yet learned, is that every other unkind thing we do to each other is just as wrong! ...
Is your spiritual life private?

Is your spiritual life private?

Is your spiritual life private? My question is for Christians. And it arises from an article I just read titled, Fifty six percent of Christians Feel Their Spiritual Life Is Entirely Private. If you only read the title, and you have a private spiritual life, a reasonable conclusion is that ...

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Is your spiritual life private? discusses the importance of not keeping one’s spiritual life entirely private, especially in the context of Christianity. It reflects on the implications of having a private spiritual life and how it relates to Christian transformation and community. Here are the key takeaways:
Private vs. Community Faith: The article questions the notion of a completely private spiritual life, suggesting that Christianity involves community and transformation.
Biblical References: It includes references to biblical passages, such as Romans 12 and John 3, to argue that spiritual growth requires change and community involvement.
Christian Transformation: The text emphasizes the need for Christians to transform and renew their minds to align with God’s will, as opposed to conforming to the world.
Importance of Community: The author argues that a private spiritual life may hinder the communal aspect of faith, which is essential for spiritual growth and reflecting Christ’s teachings.
The content is reflective and application-oriented, as it encourages self-examination and practical application of biblical principles in one’s life. It does not strictly follow an inductive or topical bible study format but rather uses scripture to address a specific concern about the nature of one’s spiritual life.

Who is the wise one in Jesus' parable about building?

Who is the wise one in Jesus’ parable about building?

Who is the wise one in Jesus' parable about building? In the parable of the wise and foolish builders, Jesus compared, obviously, a wise builder and a foolish one. Of course, we want to emulate the wise builder. So let's take a look at him. What is it that made ...
What does God want from us?

What does God want from us?

What does God want from us? When we pray, we often ask God for all sorts of things.  And we're often disappointed if we don't get everything we wanted - NOW!  Have you ever thought about it the other way around? What do you think He wants from us?  And ...

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What does God want from us? is reflective in nature. Here are the key points:
Reflective Nature: The article encourages readers to consider their personal perceptions of God and challenges them to reflect on their relationship with Him.
Personal Inquiry: It poses introspective questions about what God desires from us and how we perceive His character.
Biblical References: The text includes Bible passages to support its points, inviting readers to contemplate the nature of God’s love and expectations.
Emotional Connection: The author shares personal experiences and emotions, aiming to connect with the reader on a deeper level.

The parable of the fig tree

The Parable of the Fruitless Fig Tree – repent or perish

The Parable of the Fruitless Fig Tree – repent or perish. When you read it, the concept of the tree without fruit and the warning of repent or perish makes sense. Well, it should make sense to Christians. However, I believe there’s more to it than we might think ...
Getting radiation treatment on my twentieth wedding anniversary

Getting radiation treatment on my wedding anniversary

It's my wedding anniversary. What else would I be doing? I'm sitting here writing. Waiting until a half hour before my prostate cancer radiation treatment, so I can drink this big bottle of water. Then I can go down, meet with my new BFFs, the radiation techs, and get radiated ...
Do you want to believe the Bible is true?

Do you want to believe the Bible is true?

Some people ask, "How do we know the Bible is true?" Some Christians will say, "Of course it is". But hey - that's not really an acceptable answer for someone who's asking, "Is the Bible true?", is it? My first thought after hearing that is, "Do you want to believe ...

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Do you want to believe the Bible is true? is reflective in nature. Here’s a summary of the key points:
Reflective Nature: The page prompts readers to introspect and consider their personal beliefs about the Bible’s truthfulness.
Personal Inquiry: It encourages readers to examine their own desires and reasons for wanting the Bible to be true.
Faith and Understanding: The text discusses the importance of faith and understanding in accepting the Bible’s teachings.
Seeking Truth: It emphasizes the need for an open mind and a willing heart to seek and accept the truth of the Bible.
The page is designed to guide readers through a self-examination process regarding their stance on the Bible, rather than providing direct instruction or topical study. It uses questions and personal reflections to encourage deeper thinking about one’s faith and beliefs.

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