Search Results for: Abraham

Revelation – The letter to the corrupt church in Thyatira

The letter to the corrupt church in Thyatira – Revelation

We move on to the fourth of the seven letters in Revelation. This time, the letter to the corrupt church in Thyatira. Jesus has good things to say about the church in Thyatira.  Some bad things as well.  So once again, part of the examination will be about the relationship, ...
The problem of healing ... or not Healing ... healed and loved by God

The problem of healing … or not Healing … and being loved

The problem of healing ... or not Healing. And being loved. By God. Healed or not. Thirteen years ago, I wrote something titled, "Healing (or not)". Back then, it was strictly an analysis of what the Bible said. Now it's 2023. I've had some experience with healing. And with not ...
does God really make everything turn out good?

Does God really make sure everything turns out good?

Does God really make sure everything turns out good? Some Christians seem to think He does. But is that really true? What if I tell you the answer is, "It depends"? Actually, it depends on a whole bunch of things. One of those things is what do we mean by ...
Hearing is good. Understanding is better. Action is needed!

Hearing is good. Understanding is better. Action is needed! The Shema Part 1

Hearing is good. Understanding is better. Action is needed! Sometimes we think knowledge is good. But what do we do with knowledge for the sake of knowledge? We can gain information by hearing something. It can turn into knowledge if we understand it. But it becomes useful when we act ...
When Fear of the Lord means be afraid

What does Fear of the Lord really mean?
Is it really "be afraid"?

When you read "fear of the Lord" or "fear the Lord", what do you think of? Being afraid? Scared half to death? Or maybe just a bit nervous? Or something else? What does Fear of the Lord really mean? ...
Why do rich people give their money away?

Why do rich people give money away?

Why do rich people give money away? No, they don't all do that. But some do. And they get cheered for it. But do you ever wonder, why do they give it away? And should we be cheering? ...
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