Search Results for: Abraham

So in love with two - Jesus and ???

So in love with two – Jesus and ???

You may remember So in love with two. It comes from a song about a girl in love with two boys. But I look at it as a Christian, in love with Jesus and someone or something else. Ultimately it’s not up to us to decide what Jesus is asking ...
One Nation Under God. But Which God? he squirrel doesn't care!

One Nation Under God. But Which God?

One Nation Under God. But Which God? That's a question I've brought up before. Today, I bring it up again because it appeared in a Letter to the Editor in the LA Times. Their heading was: If you want 'one nation under one God,' chances are it won't be your ...
Jesus came to save the lost

Old Testament Prophecy that Jesus came to save the lost

Old Testament Prophecy that Jesus came to save the lost. Most Christians hopefully know Jesus came to save the lost. But if you're Christian, ask yourself, do you know of any Old Testament prophecy about Messiah coming to save the lost? Or do you only know it by New Testament ...
Jesus told parables. Was He hiding something?

Jesus told parables. Was He hiding something?

Jesus told parables. Lots of them. But what exactly is a parable? What's the point of them? Are parables to tell us something? Or are they to hide something from us? Either way, how much do we really understand of the parables Jesus told us? That's a lot of questions! ...
Did God Forsake You If Cancer Surgery Isn't 100% Successful?

Did God Forsake You If Cancer Surgery Isn’t 100% Successful?

Never will I leave you or forsake you. I suppose pretty much every Christian knows that line. Or something like it, depending on which translation you read. It's from God. But do we know where it comes from? And of course, the ultimate questions related to that line - do ...
Was Judas saved? Did God love him enough to forgive him?

Was Judas saved? Did God love him enough to forgive him?

Judas made the deal with the Jewish leaders that led to Jesus being arrested, and eventually dying on the cross. But, was Judas saved? Did God love Judas enough to forgive him? Those are questions that seem to come up quite a bit when talking about Judas. Of course, we ...
Was casting lots really used to determine God's will?

Was casting lots really used to determine God’s will?

Was casting lots really used to determine God's will? Yes, it was really done. Before we assume this is like playing the dice in Vegas, we need to put ourselves back in time. Back to Biblical times. When God interacted more directly with His people. And dare I say, when ...
Does going to church make you feel good? Not "good" like coffee.

Does going to church make you feel good?

Does going to church make you feel good? Going to church and feeling like we just had a good cup of coffee really shouldn't make us feel the same way. Either we're way too focused in on coffee, or we're really not that into going to church! ...
2023.01.03 Psalms 001 - delight is in the law of the LORD

Psalm 1 – delight is in the law of the LORD

Ps 1:2 But his delight is in the law of the LORD, and on his law he meditates day and night. I really wondered about this concept a lot last year. The part about meditating on it day and night. The question is whether there's more to life than meditating ...
Revelation – The letter to the persecuted church in Smyrna

The letter to the persecuted church in Smyrna in Revelation

We move on to the second of the seven letters in Revelation.  This time the letter to the persecuted church in Smyrna.  Jesus has good things to say about the church in Smyrna.  It’s a bit harder to determine whether there’s any bad news in here – at least the ...
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