Search Results for: Abraham

Our Thoughts and Prayers Go Out ...

Our Thoughts and Prayers Go Out …

When we say, "our thoughts and prayers go out to you", who are we sending them out to?  Do we actually believe someone's listening to them?  Assuming the answer's yes, do we also believe that someone can / will do something about them?  The answers to those simple questions matter.  ...
brunch - Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness

Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness

Blessed are those who hunger and thirst ...  Sounds like someone who wants to dig into the brunch picture below.  Until we add just two more words.  Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness.  That really changed, didn't it?  But still, it could mean "righteous" food, right?  As ...
Is predestiny about who we are or free will choices? Calvinist beliefs.

Is predestiny about who we are or free will choices? Calvinist beliefs.

Predestiny and free will are two choices given to us by Christian denominations. By people, really. Those who influence what denominations believe about what God said. But are they choices given to us by God? You know, the One who gave the words to the people who actually wrote the ...
Faith requires taking a risk on something we can't see

Faith requires trust: taking a risk on something we can’t see

We have faith that our team will win. And faith that it will rain. Even that we can pick a winning lottery number. In all those cases, faith requires taking a risk on something you can't see. Faith requires trust. So why do we have so much trouble with trusting ...
Jonah Abrogated.  Islam Hijacked?

Jonah Abrogated. Islam Hijacked?

If what we see in the Middle East today is a hijacked version of Islam - then Islam was hijacked before the Qur'an was put in written form!  However - we must never lose sight of the fact that God has plainly stated he loves the Muslim people.  And so should ...
Creation, as told in the Qur'an and Genesis

Creation, as told in the Qur’an and Genesis

The first Sura in the Qur'an, by order of revelation, begins with the creation of man.  Let's compare that to what's in Genesis, from the Jewish Torah / Christian Bible. In the translation that I’m using, this verse is called The Embryo. In others, it is called “The Clot”.   ...
The Screwtape Letters Study Guide

Screwtape Letter #29 – Discussion Guide

Now this is a ticklish business. We have made men proud of most vices, but not of cowardice. ... There is here a cruel dilemma before us. If we promoted justice and charity among men, we should be playing directly into the Enemy’s hands; but if we guide them to ...
Joseph - "The sun, moon and eleven stars bowed down to me"

Joseph – “The sun, moon and eleven stars bowed down to me”

Ge 37:9 Then he had another dream, and he told it to his brothers. “Listen,” he said, “I had another dream, and this time the sun and moon and eleven stars were bowing down to me.” Cool.  Maybe.  Depends on what it means.  Why would the sun, the moon, and eleven ...
Old Testament prophecy on Jesus coming as a man

Old Testament prophecy on Jesus coming as a man

This segment of our look at Advent focuses on Old Testament prophecy on Jesus coming as a man. Well, OK, as a baby. If you've read the earlier articles, you probably noticed that the reference verses are from Philippians. Weird, huh? To me, it's bordering on annoying. How can a ...
Does God cry?

Does God Cry?

Does God cry? Jesus did. You may remember when that happened. But do you know why Jesus cried? ...
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