Search Results for: Abraham

Praying at night - the Qur'an and the Bible

Praying at night – the Qur’an and the Bible

The Qur'an, in Sura 73, encourages praying at night.   How does this compare with what's in the Bible? We'll look at the New Testament to see how the two compare and contrast. And then look at what the differences mean. The first thing I thought of when I read ...
Who are God's children?

Who are God’s children?

I would have thought this would be an easy question.  Who are God's children? Apparently not so easy.  At least not for some - Baptist Pastors Won’t Hear Ben Carson after Young Pastors Object That the answer to this question isn't "all of us" raises a couple interesting questions.   Which ...
registering Muslims

The problem of registering Muslims – or any group

The problem of registering Muslims. Donald Trump Sets Off a Furor With Call to Register Muslims in the U.S.    Sure - it sounds great to some people.  If they don't think about it too much.  Even a little bit of thought would (should?) bring up all sorts of reasons ...
Praising God in The Bible and Qur'an

Praising God in The Bible and Qur’an

Praise God!  This is something that Christians and Muslims both agree on.   Yes, some question whether we believe in the same "God".  That's the whole point of this series - to examine that most important question. More on that later. For this one, let's look at the next Sura, ...
God, The Father - Friend or Foe?  A look at Pharaoh.

God, The Father – Friend or Foe? A look at Pharaoh.

"God has not forgotten you."   When you hear that - does it make you happy? Or would you rather that God would just forget you? Interestingly enough - if you really want Him to forget you, He will.  Eventually. But you have to ask yourself, "Is that what I ...
People shouldn’t be protected from the Bible

People shouldn’t be protected from the Bible

It's no different now that it was before. Going all the way back to Genesis. God says one thing - people want to believe another. We say times have changed. We say people have changed. We say God has changed. Truth is - Qoheleth (aka The Teacher, Solomon) was right ...
Protected from the Bible - Who's in Hell

Protected from the Bible – Who’s in Hell

It's easy to get mad at God because of Hell. But we have to remember - no, we have to know that Hell wasn't made for us. We also have to realize that we don't go their without plenty of warnings from God - and from our own choice. Some ...
The problem of sacrifices and burnt offerings

The problem of sacrifices and burnt offerings

We (Christians) tend to focus on the part about the healthy not needing a doctor - but only the sick. The part about mercy and sacrifice - I feel like we (Christians) tend to think this message was meant for the Jewish leaders - but not for us. Which is ...
Protected from the Bible - What is faith?

Protected from the Bible – What is faith?

Faith. We all know what it means, right? Are you sure?  Your definition could be incomplete ...
Good Deeds and Faith

The problem of Good Deeds and Faith

Any attempt to say that we must have faith  and do stuff above and beyond that to earn our salvation - it takes away from Jesus' death, as I mentioned - but it also takes away our only means to judge for ourselves whether or not our faith is real ...
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