
Sweat like a pig - in mud

Sweat like a pig. Or is it a horse? Or …?

You’ve probably heard of the expression, “sweat like a pig”.  Well, depending on where in the world you live.  You might even know what it really means.  But it got me to thinking this morning.

I went out for my morning walk, even though it was already getting hot at 7 AM.  By the time I got back, you guessed it, I was sweating.  Naturally, I thought about sweating like a pig.  But then I remember, pigs don’t sweat!

Of course, that got me to thinking about evolution.  You know – how come pigs don’t sweat?  People sweat.  Our dogs sweat, sort of.  Horses sweat.  So why not pigs?  I’m sure evolutionary science has an answer!  Sure enough, they do.

Sweat like a pig. Or is it a horse? Or …? More

is evolution a sure thing - looking at eye to brain connections

Think evolution is a sure thing?

Is evolution a sure thing?

“The human brain consists of about ten thousand million nerve cells. Each nerve cell puts out between ten thousand and one hundred thousand connecting fibers by which it makes contact with other nerve cells in the brain. Altogether the total number of connections in the human brain approaches 1015 or a thousand million million. Numbers in the order of 1015 are of course completely beyond comprehension.”

Think evolution is a sure thing? More

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