God hears His people
As I said, the original impetus for this article was another 9/11 anniversary.
However, as I’m moving it from an old site to the new one, it seems much more personal.
When we have one thing after another after another …
As I said, the original impetus for this article was another 9/11 anniversary.
However, as I’m moving it from an old site to the new one, it seems much more personal.
When we have one thing after another after another …
Just because we don’t like what God, through the Bible, tells us – that’s not a good reason to just assume it must be a fairy tale. Whether it be everything the Bible says – only parts of what it says – or even the very existence of God – the reality of the warning is still there.
If we try something, we may or may not succeed. But if we quit, failure is guaranteed.
I know – it seems weird. Doing what someone else wants isn’t necessarily giving up our own will. But – it’s true.
The death of the will or the death of the body. Which is worse? More
… when you’re the batting practice ball. At least if you’re a ball in the big game – tied at the bottom of the ninth with two outs – you’ve got a chance for glory. But when you’re the batting practice ball – you just get hit over and over – with no chance for glory.
Sometimes you’re the Louisville Slugger … More
Confused? Me too – for a while. Maybe for too long.
And now, here I am a year and a half later thinking – I really need to remember this.
Answer – because I have to be More
… if you’re thinking something like Jesus is good to talk to – or a good moral teacher – or the same as other religions – you need to think again. He wasn’t. Jesus is better than that.
Nobody ever went away from an encounter with Jesus saying, “That was a good talk.” More
The problem of not knowing.
“Not knowing what you believe (especially on a matter as essential to Christianity as the gospel) is by definition a kind of unbelief.
The problem of not knowing More
In a world that’s so filled with applications – therefore the image at the top – why do we seem to be so quick to forget application when it comes to truth?
Does persecution really need to be violent to be effective? Or are we just so “blinded” by ordinary life that we don’t even know what persecution is? Are we actually being violently persecuted – and don’t even “have eyes to see” it? Do we even know what persecution means any more?
Does persecution have to be violent to have an impact? More