
God is our refuge and strength

God is our refuge and strength

God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble. That’s the verse of the day from YouVersion. Lots of Christians know this verse, even if they aren’t aware of knowing it. Martin Luther’s hymn, “A Mighty Fortress Is Our God” comes from the Psalm containing that line. But even with the hymn, even with Christians singing the song, how many of us live like we actually believe it? Sadly, the answer appears to be far too few.

God is our refuge and strength More

Do not be afraid because of them!

Do not be afraid because of them! But who is “them”?

Do not be afraid because of them! That might sound good. But who said it? Who was it said to? Does it apply to us? And who is “them”? Who is it that we shouldn’t be afraid of? Oh yeah – why shouldn’t we be afraid? These are all good questions. Will we ask them? Or will we just run with the statement not to be afraid? Especially if we’re Christian and we know this comes from the Bible!

Do not be afraid because of them! But who is “them”? More

If Christians are a new creation, why isn't everything perfect?

If Christians are a new creation, why isn’t everything perfect?

If Christians are a new creation, why isn’t everything perfect? I ask the question because of today’s Verse of the Day, from YouVersion. It says we are a new creation. The old is gone. The new is here. It sounds so exciting! So how come things aren’t perfect? For that matter, how come little or nothing seems to have changed? Is the verse wrong?

If Christians are a new creation, why isn’t everything perfect? More

Can we give thanks on Thanksgiving 2020?

Can we give thanks on Thanksgiving 2020?

2020 has been a difficult year. COVID is all over the world. With it comes various restrictions that make people upset. What seems to get lost is the more than 1,000,000 (1 million) people who’ve died from it. So far. There will be more. As you read this, more people will die. Also apparently forgotten or ignored are the healthcare workers. They tirelessly risk their lives, including for people who selfishly get sick for their own pleasure. These same healthcare workers also get sick. And they add to the number of dead and dying. But still, this is Thanksgiving. How do we give thanks?

Can we give thanks on Thanksgiving 2020? More

A healthcare worker dies from COVID

A healthcare worker dies from COVID. Does anybody notice?

A healthcare worker dies from COVID. Does anybody notice? I tried to find out how many healthcare workers died from COVID so far. Even Google, who knows pretty much everything, can’t answer that question. The numbers of dead healthcare workers related to COVID isn’t tracked. And so, in some respects, the answer to the title question is, “No, people don’t notice.” But that’s not quite true. People do notice. Some people. Notice certain deaths. But at the same time, no one notices how many deaths.

A healthcare worker dies from COVID. Does anybody notice? More

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