What are the problems of the circumstances surrounding Judas’ death? Well, there are a few of them. Did Judas return the thirty pieces of silver to the Jewish leaders? Did Judas hang himself or fall into a field? Was Judas present for the Last Supper? Judas wasn’t forgiven, but could he have obtained forgiveness?
The problem of the circumstances surrounding Judas' death is article #2 in the series: Death of Judas. Click button to view titles for entire series
Even a lot of non-Christians know about Judas. He’s the guy who betrayed Jesus. An act that led to Jesus’ crucifixion. Something that had to happen. The crucifixion, that is. Without it, there’s no payment for our sins, no salvation, no resurrection, and no eternity in Heaven. So it’s all a really big deal.
But how much do we Christians really know about the events surrounding Judas’ death? And why does it even matter if we know or not?
Well, this is the introduction to a series of articles to answer those questions. Maybe some more will be added. We’ll find out as I go along. You’ll be the second to know. If you’d like to find out right away, please subscribe to this site using the link at the top (bottom for cell phones).
To kind of whet your appetite, here are some “Readers Digest” kind of answers. Really short. However, also not conclusive.
Was Judas present for the Last Supper?
Yes, but not really.
Did Judas return the thirty pieces of silver to the Jewish leaders?
Yes, but not really.
Was Judas’ death from hanging himself or falling into a field?
There was a field involved, but who bought it? Was it the Jewish leaders? Was it Judas?
Judas wasn’t forgiven, but could he have obtained forgiveness?
Yes, unless you believe No.
Why do the circumstances surrounding Judas’ death matter?
There are various reasons why the circumstances surrounding Judas’ death are important to know.
One of the more basic ones is so that we can’t be fooled or tricked into believing something that’s not true. You know – as in, “Did God really say…?”
How we view the lack of salvation and the possibility of salvation for Judas must be Biblically based, of course. But what we decide can have relevance to how we view the possibility of our own salvation.
Some of the issues come down to whether we tend to look at what appear to be different tellings of the same event. Do we first assume there’s an error? Do we toss out the whole thing? Are we open back to the time, the culture, and the language of the people who were present for and are recounting the events in question?
Conclusion – The problem of the circumstances surrounding Judas’ death
Hopefully, you’re interested in following along with this (hopefully) short series of articles. They’re simple enough to not take too much time. And yet, there complex enough that a first reading of the verses doesn’t necessarily give a complete answer. Finally, most of them can have an influence on how we view our faith and how we live out our lives as followers of Jesus’ teaching.
Hope to see you in the next installment –Was Judas present for the Last Supper?
Image by falco from Pixabay