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Search by Bible Passage

This will return all articles that contain references to the Bible passage you select from the list below. Note, passage names are from the 1984 NIV translation.

There is at least one article for each book in the list. The rare exception is if you happen to select a passage while in literally in the process of writing the first article to use that passage.

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Search by book of the Bible

This will return all articles that contain references to the book off the Bible you select from the list below.  Note, passage names are from the 1984 NIV translation.

COVID: When can we stop wearing masks in public?

COVID: When can we stop wearing masks in public?

When can we stop wearing masks in public?  Judging from the news, a better question is when should we stop ...
Jesus came to save the lost

Old Testament Prophecy that Jesus came to save the lost

Old Testament Prophecy that Jesus came to save the lost. Most Christians hopefully know Jesus came to save the lost ...
Old Testament prophecy about the timing of Jesus' birth

Old Testament prophecy about the timing of Jesus’ birth

Today's topic is Old Testament prophecy about Jesus' birth. No, not the exact day. And, by the way, Jesus wasn't ...
Does God want to punish us?

Does God want to punish us?

Does God want to punish us?  The answer is really simple.  No - God does not want to punish us.  ...
Old Testament prophecy announcing Jesus' birth

Old Testament prophecy announcing Jesus’ birth

This segment of our look at Advent focuses on Old Testament prophecy announcing Jesus’ birth. We’ve seen prophecy about Jesus, ...
One Nation Under God. But Which God? he squirrel doesn't care!

One Nation Under God. But Which God?

One Nation Under God. But Which God? That's a question I've brought up before. Today, I bring it up again ...
Six things the Lord hates as seen in climate change

Six things the Lord hates as seen in climate change

Six things the Lord hates. For us as Christians, those certainly sound like things we should know. And that we ...
Rule over the earth: COP26, how climate change impacts people

Rule over the earth: COP26, how climate change impacts people

Rule over the earth: COP26, how climate change impacts people. In part 2 of this series, we switch focus to ...
Rule over the earth: climate change, lies and money

Rule over the earth: COP26, climate change, lies and money

Rule over the earth: COP26, climate change, lies and money. Given that COP26 just ended, let's not forget that either ...
will there be homeless people in Heaven?

What do you do if your neighbor is homeless?

What do you do if your neighbor is homeless? Do you think that can't happen? Maybe that it could happen, ...

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