Advanced Searches

Advanced search options are available to find articles based on either a book from the Bible or a particular Bible Passage.

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Search by Bible Passage

This will return all articles that contain references to the Bible passage you select from the list below. Note, passage names are from the 1984 NIV translation.

There is at least one article for each book in the list. The rare exception is if you happen to select a passage while in literally in the process of writing the first article to use that passage.

The problem of - With all your mind. Or not?

The problem of – With all your mind. Or not?

Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. Jesus ...
Count the cost

Count the cost

I do know now, after these past 7 years.  Some of it was for others, based on feedback I've received ...
Take a stand!

Take a stand!

What I'm looking at for this topic is the kind of slavery we allow to come on ourselves.  It starts ...
What's the importance of a "land flowing with milk and honey"?

What’s the importance of a “land flowing with milk and honey”?

Eighteen times in the Bible, we read about a "land flowing with milk and honey".  ... I mean - it's ...
Good Deeds and Faith

The problem of Good Deeds and Faith

Any attempt to say that we must have faith  and do stuff above and beyond that to earn our salvation ...
free will in the garden of eden

Free Will in the Garden of Eden

Did Adam and Eve have free will in the Garden of Eden? Even lots of non-Christians know something about Adam, ...
Physicists Eye Parallel Universe, Extra Dimensions

Physicists Eye Parallel Universe, Extra Dimensions

It's great when stories like this one come out. Physicists are still looking for proof that parallel universe(s) exist - ...
Your Kingdom Come ... on earth ...

Your Kingdom Come … on earth … Are we really ready?

Your Kingdom come. Do we realize the full implication of these words? We pray for God’s Kingdom to come. But do ...

Search by book of the Bible

This will return all articles that contain references to the book off the Bible you select from the list below.  Note, passage names are from the 1984 NIV translation.

The problem of "church words" no one else understands

The problem of “church words” no one else understands

Church words. They are a problem. A big problem. We (Christians) use words that we learn in church. We know ...
Which came first - the chicken or the egg? Why?

Which came first – the chicken or the egg? Why?

It's an age-old question. One of life's great mysteries.  Which came first - the chicken or the egg? It's stumped ...
Is COVID in the Bible?

Is COVID in the Bible?

Is COVID in the Bible? Not directly. However, there are parallels from certain viewpoints. One way to look at it ...
How did Judas die

How did Judas die? Did he really hang himself?

How did Judas die? Falling into a field or hanging himself? Huh? How can there possibly be any question about ...
Jesus told parables. Was He hiding something?

Jesus told parables. Was He hiding something?

Jesus told parables. Lots of them. But what exactly is a parable? What's the point of them? Are parables to ...
Anyone looking for a New Year's resolution?

Anyone looking for a New Year’s resolution?

Is anyone looking for a New Year's resolution? I've got one for you. If you have the nerve to accept ...
Do you think domestic violence is satanic?

Do you think domestic violence is satanic?

Do you think domestic violence is satanic? Why or why not? Did you know the Pope said it's "almost satanic"? ...
Old Testament prophecy: Was Jesus subject to the government?

Old Testament prophecy: Was Jesus subject to the government?

Was Jesus subject to the government? Yes, He was. Kind of. Sort of. Does Old Testament prophecy say this was ...
COVID: When can we stop wearing masks in public?

COVID: When can we stop wearing masks in public?

When can we stop wearing masks in public?  Judging from the news, a better question is when should we stop ...
Jesus came to save the lost

Old Testament Prophecy that Jesus came to save the lost

Old Testament Prophecy that Jesus came to save the lost. Most Christians hopefully know Jesus came to save the lost ...

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