Psalm 5 – Take refuge and be glad?
Seriously? Take refuge and be glad? Aren’t we fighters? Can’t we take care of ourselves? Why should we settle for just taking refuge instead of going on a counterattack?
Psalm 5 – Take refuge and be glad? More
Seriously? Take refuge and be glad? Aren’t we fighters? Can’t we take care of ourselves? Why should we settle for just taking refuge instead of going on a counterattack?
Psalm 5 – Take refuge and be glad? More
Christians talk about God’s peace. Do things need to be going well in order to feel that peace? Or can we feel God’s peace when things start to improve? Or, would you believe, can we feel His peace even if nothing’s changed about our situation at all?
Psalm 4 – Feel God’s peace even when things are bad More
God is there when we need Him. And for true Christians, who honestly try to follow Jesus, He’s with us all the time. We might not feel like it. But He is.
Psalm 3 – God is there when we need Him More
We make our relationship with God so difficult. But it really shouldn’t be. We must make a choice for God or not. You really can’t sit on the fence with God.
Psalm 2 – We make our relationship with God so difficult More
Ps 1:2 But his delight is in the law of the LORD, and on his law he meditates day and night.
I really wondered about this concept a lot last year. The part about meditating on it day and night.
The question is whether there’s more to life than meditating on the law of God day and night. It’s a matter of focus.
Psalm 1 – delight is in the law of the LORD More
Judas made the deal with the Jewish leaders that led to Jesus being arrested, and eventually dying on the cross. But, was Judas saved? Did God love Judas enough to forgive him? Those are questions that seem to come up quite a bit when talking about Judas. Of course, we won’t know for sure until the next life. After all, God can do anything, can’t He?
Was Judas saved? Did God love him enough to forgive him? More
How did Judas die? Falling into a field or hanging himself? Huh? How can there possibly be any question about Judas’ manner of death if the choices are that he either fell into a field or hung himself? Besides, everyone knows Judas hung himself. Didn’t he? And yet, both are presented in the Bible! It seems we have another investigation into the life of this ignominious person. Judas. The betrayer of Jesus.
How did Judas die? Did he really hang himself? More
Did Judas return the thirty pieces of silver to Jewish leaders? Well, yes. Sort of. But it’s more a question of did the Jewish leaders accept the thirty pieces of silver? More so, what did they do with the silver Judas tried to return? And of course, why do these seemingly minor detailed questions even matter?
Did Judas return the thirty pieces of silver to Jewish leaders? More
Was Judas present for the Last Supper? This isn’t meant to be a trick question, but it might turn into one. So, I’ll give you a hint. The Last Supper was an event that tied together the Passover ceremony of the Old Testament with Communion in the New Testament. One was the Old Covenant. The other was the New Covenant. So, the question is really about whether Judas was present for that event. The Passover celebration. And, as it turns out, what we could call the first Communion.
Was Judas present for the Last Supper? More
Even a lot of non-Christians know about Judas. He’s the guy who betrayed Jesus. An act that led to Jesus’ crucifixion. Something that had to happen. The crucifixion, that is. Without it, there’s no payment for our sins, no salvation, no resurrection, and no eternity in Heaven. So it’s all a really big deal.
But how much do we Christians really know about the events surrounding Judas’ death? And why does it even matter if we know or not?
The problem of the circumstances surrounding Judas’ death More