Topical Bible Study

Topical/Thematic Bible Study involves choosing a topic or theme (which could be a life situation, a theological concept, a keyword, etc.) and then studying the related passages throughout the Bible.

Do not be afraid because of them!

Do not be afraid because of them! But who is “them”?
Said by both Moses and Jesus

Do not be afraid because of them! That might sound good. But who said it? Who was it said to? Does it apply to us? And who is “them”? Who is it that we shouldn’t be afraid of? Oh yeah – why shouldn’t we be afraid? These are all good questions. Will we ask them? Or will we just run with the statement not to be afraid? Especially if we’re Christian and we know this comes from the Bible!

Do not be afraid because of them! But who is “them”?
Said by both Moses and Jesus

A light on a hill? Or a noisy gong?

A light on a hill? Or a noisy gong?

Here’s a question for Christians.  Are you a light on a hill? Or a noisy gong?  Or are you just wondering why I’m asking?  It is a legitimate question.   We’re supposed to be “making disciples”.  But how?  Are we supposed to beat people over the head until they finally give in?  I know that’s been done.  Is still being done.  But is it what Jesus asked for? 

The same can be asked of any “in your face” approach to making people become Christians.  The thing about “making disciples” is that Jesus said a whole lot more than just “go do it!”.  He taught us how.  He was a living example of how to do it.  But do we pay attention to that part?  

A light on a hill? Or a noisy gong? More

Do Christians really know what “Christian Hope” is?

Do Christians really know what “Christian Hope” is?

Do Christians really know what “Christian Hope” is?  In a word – no.

“Most of we Christians are blind to the truth of who we really are, and so are afraid to enter the valley of the shadow of death to find the light beyond it. Our hope is that we’ll find it in the next life and so remain powerless in this life, yes?”

from “Waking Up: To Who You Really Are (If You Dare)” by Ted Dekker

I really like reading Ted Dekker.

Although – sometimes it’s just so hard realizing that what he says is just a bit too true.

Do Christians really know what “Christian Hope” is? More

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