The Bible and “Real Life”

Posts examining real life issues and questions from a Biblical point of view

Can we have faith in God if we want to know everything?

Can we have faith in God if we want to know everything?

I was just beginning to write about – no kidding – in the beginning. I’m getting stuff from both a Jewish and Christian point of view. And then it hit me. Can we have faith in God if we want to know everything? Can we reach a point where our need to know everything brings us to a point where faith means little to nothing?

Can we have faith in God if we want to know everything? More

Does Jesus want to carry us when times are tough?

Does Jesus want to carry us when times are tough? This question is like those tests where we’re supposed to pick the “best” answer.  And “yes” is not the best answer!  I used to think it was, but I learned that it really isn’t.  There is one answer that’s better – although there are several answers that could start with “no, He wants …”

Curious?  Confused?

Let me try to help straighten out this question.

Does Jesus want to carry us when times are tough? More

how evil will we become before Jesus returns?

How evil will we become before Jesus returns?

How evil will we become before Jesus returns? The Bible says our thoughts are only evil all the time. And it sounds bad. And yet, it’s generic. But when we get right down to the kinds of evil we perpetrate and even pass laws to allow them to continue, I can’t help but wonder. Just how evil do we have to get before Jesus returns to earth. Not as our means of salvation. Instead, quite the opposite. As our final judge and conqueror.

How evil will we become before Jesus returns? More

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