The Bible and “Real Life”

Posts examining real life issues and questions from a Biblical point of view

Are we all supposed to be the same?

Are we all supposed to be the same?

Are we all supposed to be the same? That’s probably a question lots of us ask. I’m asking it right now. So this is as much for me as it is for anyone. If you’re asking whether we’re all supposed to be the same, hopefully this will help you and me both. Notice though, I’m not asking are we all supposed to be equal. I wrote the same, as in identical. Specifically, identical in the way we act, our purpose in life, and things like that. It’s not a question of is one person somehow better or more deserving than another.

Are we all supposed to be the same? More

The headline in Christianity Today is shocking: Gallup: Fewer Than Half of Americans Belong to a Church. How can that be when somewhere between 70-80% of the population claims to have some religious affiliation? Ultimately, what does it say when fewer than 50% of the people in America belong to a church?

What does it say when fewer than 50% of the people in America belong to a church?

The headline in Christianity Today is shocking: Gallup: Fewer Than Half of Americans Belong to a Church. How can that be when somewhere between 70-80% of the population claims to have some religious affiliation? Ultimately, what does it say when fewer than 50% of the people in America belong to a church?

What does it say when fewer than 50% of the people in America belong to a church? More

What is the biggest regret in life for most people?

What is the biggest regret in life for most people?

What is the biggest regret in life for most people?  That’s an important question.  It seems so sad to reach the end of our life, and have some big huge regret.  While it won’t necessarily be the biggest regret in your life, it is worthwhile to see what other people had to say.  Especially if it’s the answer given by 76% of the people in a recent survey. 

What is the biggest regret in life for most people? More

Is strong Christian faith needed before God will heal us?

Is strong Christian faith needed before God will heal us? Some people say absolutely yes. Strong Christian faith will bring miraculous healing from God. On the other end of the spectrum, there are also some who say there aren’t any miracles anymore. Various reasons are given for the lack of miracles today. They range from (a) there are still miracles but we don’t know about them to (b) we’ve advanced past the point where we still believe in miracles. My focus today though is on those who say there’s a relationship between faith and healing.

Is strong Christian faith needed before God will heal us? More

Christians - what are you wearing?

Christians – What are you wearing? Your Sunday best?

Christians – What are you wearing?  Your Sunday best?  Uh Oh.  Is this going to be about wearing clothes that are “appropriate” for Christians?  Like long dresses for women?  Suits and ties for men?  If that’s what you’re concerned about, don’t worry.  I’m talking about something else entirely. Well, sort of.  Something that really matters.  Something that makes a difference.

Christians – What are you wearing? Your Sunday best? More

What does God think of us? Do we care?

What does God think of us? Do we care?

What does God think of us? Do we want to know? For that matter, do we care? Like many writers, I use software to evaluate what I write, including the title. According to that software, the title of this one is positive. I can’t help but wonder, how many of us think it’s positive? How many of us, if we had the opportunity, would really want to hear what God thinks of us?

What does God think of us? Do we care? More

Does God always give us what we want?

Does God always give us what we want? That depends.

Does God always give us what we want? The first version of this had a slightly shorter title. Someone asked, after reading it, whether the answer was yes or no. This time, I’ll give the answer away right upfront. It’s right there in the title. It depends. This means, therefore, the answer is no! Without even getting into the condition(s) upon which “it depends”, the answer must be no, since there is, in fact, at least one condition. Let’s find out about that condition.

Does God always give us what we want? That depends. More

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