Questions to ask ourselves

What is faith? Blind? Circular logic? Or the truth?
The problem with faith - to believe or not to believe
What is faith? In this specific case, what is Christian faith? People have lots of ideas about that. Some think faith is blind. Others may think the reasoning behind Christian faith is circular logic. Others believe Christian faith is the truth ...

Are we the good Samaritan? Or the robber?
We are one or the other
Are we the good Samaritan? Or the robber? We are all one or the other. There’s no saying that we’ve never been in the scenario Jesus painted. Because we’re in. Right now. Every. Single. one. of. us. Everyone! ...

How come so many Christians don’t really know God?
It seems like a weird, even dumb, question. How come so many Christians don’t really know God? It's a very important question with a very disturbing answer. It's all too easy for Christians to not know God! The headline shocked me. 51% of Churchgoers Don’t Know of the Great Commission, ...

Will there be homeless people in Heaven? Who cares?
Will there be homeless people in Heaven? Who cares? Whoa! A two-part question. And trick questions at that? The correct answers are yes/no and yes. Huh? The answers may very well depend on how you read the question. And how you view life - or don't. Are you up for ...

Jesus loves us the way we are, right?
But, do we love Jesus the way He is?
Jesus loves us the way we are, right? Yes, but … Wait! I thought Jesus just loved us as we are. He meets us wherever we're at, and He loves us, no matter what! What's this "Yes, but ..." about? ...

Is your faith in God deeper than “Jesus loves me, this I know”?
Are you drinking milk or eating solid food?
Do you know the saying, "Jesus loves me, this I know"? Hint - it's for children. But if you're an adult, and someone asks you about your faith, do you respond with this as all or part of your answer? ...

Do you ever practice living a Christian life of faith?
Or do you put Jesus on hold 'til you really need Him?
Do you ever practice living a Christian life of faith? Huh? Practice? What's to practice? Doesn't the Holy Spirit just kind of come in and take over? Why do I need to practice anything? I'm too busy practicing for my career to worry about this kind of thing! ...

There’s always time to love God later. Isn’t there?
"There's always time to love God later." Have you ever said that? "Isn't there?" But have you ever asked that? We assume we can get around to God later. When we have children. After we've advanced in our careers. After we retire. After we enjoy our retirement. But what if ...

I love you! See you later. Like when I die?
Who would ever say that?
I love you! See you later, when I die. - questions the attitude of some Christians who claim to love Jesus but do not follow His teachings or commands. Compare this to a woman who professes her love for a man but then walks away from him ...

If I love God must I follow His rules?
I love God. And God is love. And since I love God, I'm saved. So, do I still have to follow His rules? Maybe, maybe not. But may not for the reasons you think ...