The problem of …
The problem of … Fill in the … Of course, these problems have something to do with us and God, our faith, trying to live as a Christian, Etc.
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You can also search for a topic or word. Three examples are faith, love, or even phrases such as “church words”. Please, don’t use God or Jesus – because they appear in pretty much every one of them and really won’t narrow things down for you.

The problem of rules
Rules? Rules are for suckers, right? No one follows rules anymore. Except for one really important instance. Know what ...

The problem of rules, part 2
We hate rules. But could we live without them? Take the game of Monopoly for example. There's lot of ...

The problem of sacrifices and burnt offerings
We (Christians) tend to focus on the part about the healthy not needing a doctor - but only the sick ...

The problem of sadness
Sadness - that's a bad thing right? Joy - that's the way to go, right? Joy all the time! Sadness ...

The problem of talking about problems
The problem of talking about problems. Most people don't like it when other people talk about their problems. On the ...

The problem of the circumstances surrounding Judas’ death
Even a lot of non-Christians know about Judas. He’s the guy who betrayed Jesus. An act that led to Jesus’ ...

The problem of the death penalty
Since the death penalty is back in the news with the Boston Marathon bombing trial, here's something for you (and ...

The problem of the forgotten holiday – Ascension Day
What is the forgotten holiday? Actually, maybe not so much forgotten. More like never really celebrated that much. Ever. I ...

The problem of the miracle hidden by miraculous healing
The problem of the miracle hidden by miraculous healing. Say what? Being healed by God, through prayer, is a miracle ...

The problem of tolerance
As I sit here on Silent Saturday - between the day Satan thought he won, and the day Jesus actually ...

The problem of truth
In a world that's so filled with applications - therefore the image at the top - why do we seem ...

The problem when too much freedom means little freedom
The problem of too much freedom - how to compromise. Let's take just two issues and see what happens with ...