Adam and Eve

you will surely die, but believers will rise in spirit and body

Did God really say, “You will surely die” (תָּמוּת מוֹת)?
God's salvation plan is more than Christmas and Easter

Did God really say, “You will surely die” (תָּמוּת מוֹת)? Do you know the answer to that question? Do you know where it came from? It wasn’t Christmas or Easter. But the failure to correctly answer that question led to our need for Christmas and Easter. And some other things.

Did God really say, “You will surely die” (תָּמוּת מוֹת)?
God's salvation plan is more than Christmas and Easter

Why were Adam and Eve kicked out of the Garden of Eden?

Why were Adam and Eve kicked out of the Garden of Eden?

Why did Adam and Eve get kicked out of the Garden of Eden?

Because Eve ate the fruit?
There it is – Adam said, in modern words – “She did it!”
And, because we don’t really “listen” / pay attention, we tend to go along with that.
But, if we are listening and paying attention, what do we do with the words “who was with her”?  He was there.  Many Christian commentaries ignore this phrase altogether and say nothing about it.  Others will try to explain it away, saying that other things happened between the exchange between Eve and the serpent – and the moment Eve gave the fruit to Adam. But Adam was there!

Why were Adam and Eve kicked out of the Garden of Eden? More

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