By Faith

Old Testament prophecy on Jesus coming as a man

Old Testament prophecy on Jesus coming as a man

This segment of our look at Advent focuses on Old Testament prophecy on Jesus coming as a man. Well, OK, as a baby. If you’ve read the earlier articles, you probably noticed that the reference verses are from Philippians. Weird, huh? To me, it’s bordering on annoying. How can a passage from after the birth of Jesus be used to look forward to the birth of that same Jesus? The mathematician in me says this is logically flawed. But, since we’re using Nelson’s Topical Index to set the path for the study, let’s see what we can do with this.

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Is Covid 19 a modern-day Exile?

Is Covid-19 a modern-day Exile?

Is Covid-19 a modern-day exile scenario?

We look at the virus as a bad thing, maybe from God.  However, those who have read the Bible know that sometimes God allows bad things in order to bring about better things.  Or to wake up His people. 

So, what if this is God’s way of showing us that we need to wake up?  We’re supposed to be living in this world as if we’re in exile – right here, wherever we are.  In exile from our Heavenly home.  But we’re too busy turning this into a false “heaven on earth” kind of thing.

And we’re falling in love with it.  And by doing that, we’re at risk of losing our real Heavenly home that God created for us.

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