Joshua to Succeed Moses

Did God Forsake You If Cancer Surgery Isn't 100% Successful?

Did God Forsake You If Cancer Surgery Isn’t 100% Successful?

Never will I leave you or forsake you. I suppose pretty much every Christian knows that line. Or something like it, depending on which translation you read. It’s from God. But do we know where it comes from? And of course, the ultimate questions related to that line – do we believe God will never forsake us and do we live like we believe it? And for today’s topic, did God forsake you if cancer surgery isn’t 100% successful?

Did God Forsake You If Cancer Surgery Isn’t 100% Successful? More

Do not be afraid because of them!

Do not be afraid because of them! But who is “them”?

Do not be afraid because of them! That might sound good. But who said it? Who was it said to? Does it apply to us? And who is “them”? Who is it that we shouldn’t be afraid of? Oh yeah – why shouldn’t we be afraid? These are all good questions. Will we ask them? Or will we just run with the statement not to be afraid? Especially if we’re Christian and we know this comes from the Bible!

Do not be afraid because of them! But who is “them”? More

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