Paul’s Longing to Visit Rome

Is your spiritual life private?

Is your spiritual life private?

Is your spiritual life private? My question is for Christians. And it arises from an article I just read titled, Fifty six percent of Christians Feel Their Spiritual Life Is Entirely Private. If you only read the title, and you have a private spiritual life, a reasonable conclusion is that it’s OK to be so private about your faith. But, is that really a good thing?

Is your spiritual life private? More

do all religions lead to the same God

American beliefs – do all religions lead to the same God?

Do all religions lead to the same God?  When Americans were asked to react to the statement, God accepts the worship of all religions, including Christianity, Judaism, and Islam, more than half agreed, with 46% strongly agreeing.  Just based on an approximate 70+% of Americans claiming to be Christian, that number is surprising. 

And disappointing.  It means, right or wrong, only about two-thirds of American Christians even think they know enough about their claimed religion to have a strong response to the statement.

American beliefs – do all religions lead to the same God? More

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