The Beatitudes

Blessed are the merciful - feeding a tiny kitten

Blessed are the merciful

Blessed are the merciful, for they will be shown mercy.  Very much like the golden rule.  Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.  Except in this case, the one doing unto us is God.  So if we show mercy to other people, then God will show mercy to us.

Like faith and believing is Jesus, action is an integral part of mercy.  We’ll see that just saying, “God have mercy on you”, isn’t what Jesus is talking about.  Nor is praying for someone and walking away. 
It’s about doing something.  Helping.  kindness or good will towards the miserable and the afflicted, joined with a desire to help them.

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Dragons and the things God has prepared for those who love him

Dragons and the things God has prepared for those who love him

The goal here wasn’t to tell you that toothless will be in Heaven.  And it wasn’t to get you to want to ride around the universe on him.  No, the goal was to get you to think.  Even more so, to dream.  And dream big.  Really big.  And very good.  To get you to realize that no matter how good you may think this life is, the next life will be so much better.  Better than you think.  Better than you can dream about.  And something you really don’t want to miss.

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The Lord gives and the Lord takes away

The Lord gives and The Lord takes away

The Lord gives and the Lord takes away.  It’s a pretty common saying.  It’s most likely to be used when something bad happens.  Like it’s supposed to make people feel better.  And it might actually accomplish that goal – if it was told correctly.  It’s like the old thing about the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth.  So here’s the truth about the Lord gives and the Lord takes away.  It’s true.  However, it’s not the whole truth.  Therefore, it isn’t actually “nothing but the truth”.

The Lord gives and The Lord takes away More

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