The Parables of the Mustard Seed and the Yeast - Matthew

The Great Commission and The End Times - the end and the beginning?

The Great Commission and The End Times

The Great Commission and The End Times – Is the completion of one the beginning of the other? When the Great Commission has been fulfilled, will The End Times begin?  Are we actually working to bring about the events in Revelation when we spread the Gospel?  In a sense, even without tying the two together, every second that passes by is bringing us one second closer to The End Times.  It’s just a fact of time.  The question is one of whether there’s a Biblical link between the two.

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Will we be married in Heaven?

Will we be married in Heaven?

Will we be married in Heaven?  That’s a tough question.  And many people don’t really like the easy answer.  That easy answer, of course is, no we won’t be married in Heaven.  And that’s because Jesus said, The people of this age marry and are given in marriage. 35 But those who are considered worthy of taking part in that age and in the resurrection from the dead will neither marry nor be given in marriage …

But is that too easy?  Actually, yes, it’s way too easy.  Partly because the quote is taken completely out of context.  And also because it completely ignores the cultural differences between Biblical times and many parts of the world today.  Further, it completely disregards the reason marriage and divorce were even instituted in the first place.

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