Is the Holy Spirit the Spirit of the Father or the Spirit of the Son

Is the Holy Spirit the Spirit of the Father or the Spirit of the Son

Who is the Holy Spirit? Is He the Spirit of the Father? Or maybe the Spirit of the Son? Does it matter? And is it "who" or "what"? So many questions! And it's tempting to just ignore them. Or assume they don't really matter. Just call it/him the Spirit of ...
Was casting lots really used to determine God's will?

Was casting lots really used to determine God’s will?

Was casting lots really used to determine God's will? Yes, it was really done. Before we assume this is like playing the dice in Vegas, we need to put ourselves back in time. Back to Biblical times. When God interacted more directly with His people. And dare I say, when ...
will there be Jewish celebrations in Heaven

Did Jesus really foretell Jewish celebrations in Heaven?

Did Jesus really foretell Jewish celebrations in Heaven? Yes, He did. Do you remember where? And the bonus question - why? After all, Jesus is the namesake of Christianity. So why will there be any Jewish celebrations, let alone one that Jesus is looking forward to? ...
Does God really protect us? If yes, from what?

Does God really protect us? If yes, from what?

Does God really protect us? Of course he does. Then another thought: Does he always protect us in the way we want, when we want it? ...
Christians - what are you wearing?

Christians – What are you wearing? Your Sunday best?

Christians - What are you wearing?  Your Sunday best?  Uh Oh.  Is this going to be about wearing clothes that are "appropriate" for Christians?  Like long dresses for women?  Suits and ties for men?  If that's what you're concerned about, don't worry.  I'm talking about something else entirely. Well, sort ...

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Christians – What are you wearing? Your Sunday best? is reflective in nature. Here are the key points:
Reflective Approach: The page encourages readers to reflect on their personal attitudes towards clothing and appearances, particularly within a Christian context.
Spiritual Focus: It emphasizes spiritual attire over physical clothing, urging Christians to “wear” virtues like compassion, kindness, and humility.
Biblical References: The page discusses biblical passages, such as Colossians 3 and Matthew 6, to support its message.
Practical Application: It challenges Christians to practice love and acceptance every day, not just on Sundays, aligning with the principles of application Bible study.
The page combines reflective elements with practical application, focusing on the transformation of the believer’s heart and actions.

On this rock Part 2 - Justice and Love to the Ancient Ones

On this rock Part 2 – Justice and Love to the Ancient Ones

It's time to look at Justice and Love to the Ancient Ones. Remember, the ancient ones created our species. We had a lot to learn. Justice was important to the ancient ones, so they wanted us to share the same feeling about it. But justice, by itself, can be just ...
What does God think of us? Do we care?

What does God think of us? Do we care?

What does God think of us? Do we want to know? For that matter, do we care? Like many writers, I use software to evaluate what I write, including the title. According to that software, the title of this one is positive. I can't help but wonder, how many of ...

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What does God think of us? Do we care? reflects a topical Bible study approach. Here’s a brief summary:
Topical Focus: The content centers on the topic of God’s perception of individuals and the importance of knowing it.
Reflective Elements: It includes personal reflections on the implications of God’s knowledge and presence in one’s life.
Scriptural Analysis: The author examines Psalm 139 to discuss the omniscience and omnipresence of God.
Application Discussion: It encourages readers to contemplate and apply the insights from the Psalm to their personal spiritual journey.
The page is designed to provoke thought and self-examination in relation to biblical teachings, making it a blend of topical and reflective study with an emphasis on application.

Does God always give us what we want?

Does God always give us what we want? That depends.

Does God always give us what we want? The first version of this had a slightly shorter title. Someone asked, after reading it, whether the answer was yes or no. This time, I'll give the answer away right upfront. It's right there in the title. It depends. This means, therefore, ...

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Does God always give us what we want? That depends. is reflective and application-oriented in its approach to Bible study. Here’s a brief summary:
Reflective Nature: The author shares personal experiences and insights, reflecting on how the biblical passages have impacted their life.
Application Focus: The text emphasizes applying biblical principles to one’s life, particularly the concept of aligning one’s will with God’s will.
Biblical Analysis: It includes an analysis of 1 John 5:13-21, discussing the conditions under which God grants our requests.
Spiritual Insights: The author provides spiritual insights into the nature of sin, the role of the Holy Spirit, and the importance of understanding God’s love.
The page encourages readers to consider deeply the will of God and to align their desires with His, rather than seeking personal gratification.

Was Judas saved? Did God love him enough to forgive him?

Was Judas saved? Did God love him enough to forgive him?

Judas made the deal with the Jewish leaders that led to Jesus being arrested, and eventually dying on the cross. But, was Judas saved? Did God love Judas enough to forgive him? Those are questions that seem to come up quite a bit when talking about Judas. Of course, we ...
On this rock Part 1 - Who doesn't love to win?

On this rock Part 1 – Who doesn’t love to win?

On this rock ... Something happened at that rock. Something incredible. It could literally save the world. Unfortunately, too many people either don't know or don't care. Do you? Do you care enough to risk everything? That rock represented the start of a revolution. One that you can take part ...
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