If Christians are a new creation, why isn't everything perfect?

If Christians are a new creation, why isn’t everything perfect?
A new creation - 2 Corinthians 5:17 in context

If Christians are a new creation, why isn't everything perfect? I ask the question because of today's Verse of the Day, from YouVersion. It says we are a new creation. The old is gone. The new is here. It sounds so exciting! So how come things aren't perfect? For that ...

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Based on the content of If Christians are a new creation, why isn’t everything perfect?, here’s a summary of the type of Bible study it represents:
Inductive Study: The page emphasizes understanding the context of 2 Corinthians 5:17 and encourages readers to look at the entire passage for clarity.
Topical Study: It addresses the topic of being a new creation in Christ and explores related theological concepts.
Reflective Study: The article prompts readers to reflect on the expectations of Christian transformation and the reality of spiritual growth.
Application Study: It suggests that a true realization of what it means to be in Christ can lead to visible changes in one’s life.
The study blend elements of all four types, with a focus on practical application and reflective understanding of Scripture.

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