don't dwell on your haters

Don’t settle for less, #04: Don’t dwell on your haters

Don't dwell on your haters - but do spend time with them Huh?  Spend time with them?  Even in the secular world, there a saying that some people go by.  Keep your friends close, and your enemies even closer.  But that's to protect yourself from them.  As a Christian, there's ...
Don't let your skills atrophy

Don’t settle for less, #03: don’t let your skills atrophy

I've often said one of the awesome things I expect in Heaven is to learn, forever, from the Creator of everything.  But hey - this says we can start now.  We don't have to wait 'til the next life.  The mind of the Creator is available to us right now.  ...
don't start the day without a plan

Don’t settle for less, #02: don’t start the day without a plan

Don't start the day without a plan.  It's the second in a series of traits for successful people in the secular world that we're going to look at.  However, we're going to see how these same traits can be applied to becoming a "successful" Christian.  Someone who not only has ...
don't speak negatively of yourself

Don’t settle for less, #01: don’t speak negatively of yourself

Don't speak negatively of yourself OK.  To some extent, that's also true from a Christian point of view.  To some extent.  However, some changes are needed.  It maybe seems weird, but there are two totally opposite ways that some (many?) Christians perceive themselves.  As with most extremes, I think both ...
Distractions - part 1 - run away from God, run or to God?

Distractions – part 1 – run away from God, or run to God?

A funny thing happened on the way to writing Distractions.  I got distracted.  First, it was going to be an update to something I wrote almost eight years ago.  Somehow, it turned into something brand new.  Then, I got distracted again.  This time, by medical news.  News that raises the question ...
Important: is the Bible relevant today?

Is the Bible relevant today?

Is the Bible relevant today?  Of course, I say yes - absolutely.  The Bible is relevant today!  But then there's the question of why?  Why should anyone believe the Bible is relevant today?    To that end, I'm going to do a series on something written for secular people.  23 ...
New search options for finding articles

New search options for finding articles

Two new search options are available for finding articles based on either a specific passage or verses from a specific book of the Bible.  The goal is to make it easier for you to find relevant articles based on a Book of the Bible or even a specific passage you ...
beer, biscuits and butter - is that settling for less

Beer, biscuits and butter – is that settling for less?

Beer, biscuits and butter - is that settling for less?  Some people will ask, "less than what?"  Others will just say, "I'm fine with that."  How about you?  Is that enough to make you happy?  Keep you happy?  Or do you want more?  A whole lot more? It seems weird ...
Greater love has no one ...

Greater love has no one …

Greater love has no one ...   Most of you recognize those words.  And know how they end.  Greater love has no one than this, that he lay down his life for his friends.  But what do they really mean?  Do these words tell us that the greatest love we can ...
worship song at concert

What’s in a worship song? or two?

What's in a worship song?  Well, it's a song.  So there's music, unless it's "a capella".  And it's worship, so there must be words.  After all, worship is about praising and honoring.  Words are kind of important when doing that.  More specifically, in a Christian worship song, it's about praising ...
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