Happy new <del>year / site /</del> life

Happy new year / site / life

Like it or not - accept it or not - every single religion / denomination that exists does exactly that. Don't believe it? Just go out and see why each one of them was formed ...
The death of the will or the death of the body.  Which is worse?

The death of the will or the death of the body. Which is worse?

I know - it seems weird. Doing what someone else wants isn't necessarily giving up our own will. But - it's true ...
Sometimes you're the Louisville Slugger ...

Sometimes you’re the Louisville Slugger …

... when you're the batting practice ball. At least if you're a ball in the big game - tied at the bottom of the ninth with two outs - you've got a chance for glory. But when you're the batting practice ball - you just get hit over and over ...
The Screwtape Letters Study Guide

Screwtape Letter #10 – Discussion Guide

Being silent when we shouldn’t be – or laughing when we shouldn’t – both are like double edged swords. It’s bad for us – as C. S. Lewis points out, because it can lead us to the point where we actually start to believe what we’re saying (or not saying) ...
The Screwtape Letters Study Guide

Screwtape Letter #10 – Questions

Being silent when we shouldn’t be – or laughing when we shouldn’t – both are like double edged swords. It’s bad for us – as C. S. Lewis points out, because it can lead us to the point where we actually start to believe what we’re saying (or not saying) ...
Is God loving? Or is God angry?

Answer – because I have to be

Confused? Me too - for a while. Maybe for too long. And now, here I am a year and a half later thinking - I really need to remember this ...
Nobody ever went away from an encounter with Jesus saying, “That was a good talk.”

Nobody ever went away from an encounter with Jesus saying, “That was a good talk.”

... if you're thinking something like Jesus is good to talk to - or a good moral teacher - or the same as other religions - you need to think again. He wasn't. Jesus is better than that ...
The stories of Adam and Eve

The stories of Adam and Eve

So, these are the two stories of Adam and Eve. They cannot both be true. In the process of trying to provide too much “evidence” and too many claims – one of them shows major problems ...
The problem of not knowing

The problem of not knowing

The problem of not knowing. "Not knowing what you believe (especially on a matter as essential to Christianity as the gospel) is by definition a kind of unbelief ...
The problem of truth

The problem of truth

In a world that's so filled with applications - therefore the image at the top - why do we seem to be so quick to forget application when it comes to truth? ...
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