The story of you - and Mr. J.

The story of you – and Mr. J.

In any case, even though I don't know you, statistically speaking - this will probably happen to you. In some fashion ...
Wanting to be found - but hiding to not be found.

Wanting to be found – but hiding to not be found.

We do the same thing with God It’s “fun” to be a new Christian. There’s the excitement. Lot’s of people are happy for you. Even the Heavens rejoice. But then, ...
The Screwtape Letters Study Guide

Screwtape Letter #8 – Discussion Guide

Screwtape correctly says “It is during such trough periods, much more than during the peak periods, that it is growing into the sort of creature He wants it to be.” Why do the troughs of the Christian life encourage more growth than the peaks? ...
The Screwtape Letters Study Guide

Screwtape Letter #8 – Questions

Screwtape correctly says “It is during such trough periods, much more than during the peak periods, that it is growing into the sort of creature He wants it to be.” Why do the troughs of the Christian life encourage more growth than the peaks? ...
The problem of imperfect knowledge

The problem of imperfect knowledge

The problem of imperfect knowledge: Someone is murdered. Someone else wonders - "where was God when ... was murdered?" ...
The problem of Christian hypocrites

The problem of Christian hypocrites

So then - we're all serial killers, aren't we? To expect anything else is to not understand our own need for salvation ...
BC / BCE & AD / CE

BC / BCE & AD / CE

BC / BCE & AD / CE No, it's not a complex formula. It's just another sad attempt, that fails miserably, to remove God from our lives ...
The problem of problems

The problem of problems

The problem of problems. Remember when you were in school - or maybe you're there now - and we get the dreaded "word problems" in math? Even if math itself wasn't hard, those word problems were always tough. Until one day - some really nice teacher explained the key to ...
I remember a lot of stuff, but ...

I remember a lot of stuff, but …

In the world today, with the internet and e-books that are fully searchable, memorization is becoming less and less important, at least for it’s own sake. Anything can be looked up, even with a general idea of what it’s about. But – knowing what something means – how to interpret ...
What's the significance of people living to about 120 years?

What’s the significance of people living to about 120 years?

You know how when you read those parts of the Bible you tend to skip over them? You probably just skipped it now. ... if they are mentioned again, it probably says something about their heritage anyway. And failing that - if you really want to know who someone was, ...
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