Search Results for: Abraham

A deeper look into the Jonah question

A deeper look into the Jonah question

The "Jonah question" is turning out to be tougher than expected. There's a difference between God hating what people do - and hating the people themselves. Let's see if that could help with the "Jonah question". This is part of a continuing series looking at God in the Qur'an, the ...
Moses, Pharaoh, praying at night, more abrogation, and the assembling of the Qur'an

Moses, Pharaoh, praying at night, more abrogation, and the assembling of the Qur’an

In the 3rd Sura of the Qur'an, we are again sent to the Old Testament to understand the background of these verses. This time - Moses and Pharaoh. There is also an interesting command to pray at night. Finally, we see 6 verses stricken and replaced by others.  Once more, ...
The problem of rules, part 2

The problem of rules, part 2

We hate rules.  But could we live without them?   Take the game of Monopoly for example.  There's lot of rules.  And we follow them. Especially when we can use one of them to nail one of the other players.   Like when someone else gets the advance token to Boardwalk card, ...
forgive us

Would Jesus heal an ISIS fighter?

Would Jesus heal an ISIS fighter?   But maybe just as important is the answer to why this question is so important. Would Jesus heal an ISIS fighter? I believe there's no doubt as to how this would be answered. The Faith of the Centurion Mt 8:5 When Jesus had entered ...
Ishmael, Esau, and the Armor of God

Ishmael, Esau, and the Armor of God

 What ISIS Really Wants I was going to do this one later.  It came to me this morning, while I was sort of half awake and half asleep.  I'm still trying to get completely over this pneumonia thing - it's a real pain.  Then I saw an interview with Graeme ...
Swearing by the moon - Bible (Old and New Testaments) & Qur'an

Swearing by the moon – Bible (Old and New Testaments) & Qur’an

One book shows swearing (taking an oath) by the Name of God. One book says not to swear at all. One book shows swearing by the moon. Do you know which book has each of these? How do you feel about each of these scenarios? Read on to learn more ...
The Problem of "Does God still heal"? (or Not)

The Problem of “Does God still heal”? (or Not)

Healing:  The problem of "Does God still heal"?  Does God heal today? Yes. What does the word "heal" mean? That depends. This is from a very special article I wrote almost four years ago.  I'm updating now and moving it over here to prepare for a class that I'll be ...
At no cost?

At no cost?

The rabble with them began to crave other food, and again <they> started wailing and said, “If only we had meat to eat! We remember the fish we ate <before this> at no cost—also the cucumbers, melons, leeks, onions and garlic. But now we have lost our appetite; we never ...
Who would be foolish enough to choose him for it? He was no one.

Who would be foolish enough to choose him for it? He was no one.

Forget literally saving the world. How about just saving a few people? Maybe just one person? What about joining with others to save just one person? ...
What's the significance of people living to about 120 years?

What’s the significance of people living to about 120 years?

You know how when you read those parts of the Bible you tend to skip over them? You probably just skipped it now. ... if they are mentioned again, it probably says something about their heritage anyway. And failing that - if you really want to know who someone was, ...
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