Search Results for: Abraham

I know my rights!

I know my rights!

So there it is. Know your rights ... Skip the lawyer – none is needed. Know the result – life or death ...
Parents upset over no religious symbols policy.  Why?

Parents upset over no religious symbols policy. Why?

I read this more and more - parents are upset over some policy, this time federal, restricting religious symbols / words / books in schools. But why? I truly don't think we should be so upset over this ...
God hears His people

God hears His people

As I said, the original impetus for this article was another 9/11 anniversary. However, as I'm moving it from an old site to the new one, it seems much more personal. When we have one thing after another after another ...
I never knew you

I never knew you

But - what if the situation is entirely from within ourselves? What if something happens in our own little "world" - with no influence from outside - really messes up everything we thought we believed in? What happens when we're left only asking God - "Why"? We keep asking. We ...
The Screwtape Letters Study Guide

Screwtape Letter #30 – Questions

I sometimes wonder whether you think you have been sent into the world for your own amusement ...
The Screwtape Letters Study Guide

Screwtape Letter #30 – Discussion Guide

I sometimes wonder whether you think you have been sent into the world for your own amusement ...
Are people really curious about the Bible?

Are people really curious about the Bible?

This is a fascinating thought. People are curious - no doubt about that. And we often follow up on the things we're curious about. So what's different here? Why would so many people be curious about the Bible - but not follow up on it? ...
Is this still true of Christians today?

Is this still true of Christians today?

If people - Christian or non-Christian - were too look at us today, would they see the same things in us? I'm assuming I don't have to actually answer that question - but I'm going to anyway. No - they wouldn't ...
Can we know if God still cares about us?

Can we know if God still cares about us?

Can we know if God still cares? Of course, that assumes that God did exist in the past. And it assumes that God still exists now. And it assumes that at least at some time in the past - God used to care. That's a lot of assumptions. Whether you ...
Science vs God - The Concepts of String Theory

Science vs God – The Concepts of String Theory

Given that I'm a "lowly mortal" and not perfect - I need to be sure you get this next part.  What is suggested here is only a possibility - a possible explanation of why we might perceive these 11 dimensions.  I make no statement as to what God actually did, ...
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