
The topics below each have a series of articles on them.  Click on a title in the contents box to go to its description.


The beatitudes

In this series, we’ll see how each of the Beatitudes builds on the previous ones.  They are a progression.  Each leads to the next.  And for any given one, all of the previous must become more significant and a greater part of our lives in order to achieve the effects of that one to the fullest extent. 

It’s only twelve verses.  But it’s the Christian lifestyle in those twelve short verses.  They are our road-map to that life to the full Jesus promised could be ours.

The Lord’s Prayer

The individual posts in The Lord’s Prayer are:

This then is how you should pray
Our Father
Hallowed be Thy Name
Your Kingdom Come … on earth …
Your Will Be Done … on earth …
Give us this day our daily bread
Forgive us … as we forgive
Lead us not into temptation …
For thine is … (everything)

After the words that we recite as the prayer, Jesus also said this –

Mt 6:14 For if you forgive men when they sin against you, your heavenly Father will also forgive you. 15 But if you do not forgive men their sins, your Father will not forgive your sins.

I can’t help but feel it’s significant that we don’t actually say that last verse as part of The Lord’s Prayer.
Maybe it touches a little too close to home?
And we don’t want to condemn ourselves?  
I mean – Jesus said we condemn ourselves with our words.
Do we honestly believe that he didn’t also mean the words that we excluded?

The Screwtape Letters

Yes – C. S. Lewis is a very deep writer. But – he also has what I call a “firm grasp of the obvious” – we can find things like this throughout his writings. More experience – more study – more prayer – more re-reading – all will lead us to a deeper understanding of God. But – we all start someplace – and it’s most definitely not full of knowledge.

This is a fascinating book, where everything is turned upside down.  It’s “written by” a devil, to his nephew who is a devil in training.  As you go through it, you’ll most likely encounter some examples of what Screwtape said that you have actually experienced in your life.  I know I did. 

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