
Unintended Consequences – CA SB 1172

This is – first and foremost – a law that targets innocent children.
Really, all of this is over minor children. It says that parents can’t engage in conversion therapy for their minor children (for who, again, the parents have responsibility – to both the government and God). However, when that minor child turns 18, they are free to get conversion therapy on their own.

Unintended Consequences – CA SB 1172 More

The main thing – and the ten Commandments

So – what we end up with is a whole bunch of Christian denominations arguing over whose version is correct (and also first – even though none of these denominations (obviously) existed back in Moses’ time! They take their focus off the main thing (God) and appear to non-church people like everything they stand for is just made by man and doesn’t really mean anything.

The main thing – and the ten Commandments More

Be careful what you ask for

What some of us may have a hard time realizing is that people with attitudes like this can actually reach a point where they’re quite “happy and content” with life as they know it. Notice – I put quotes around “Happy and content” – because it’s happiness and contentment as they know it. Never having allowed themselves to experience anything else – they assume that whatever they now have in life is as good as it’s going to get.

Be careful what you ask for More

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