
Does Jesus want to carry us when times are tough?

Does Jesus want to carry us when times are tough? This question is like those tests where we’re supposed to pick the “best” answer.  And “yes” is not the best answer!  I used to think it was, but I learned that it really isn’t.  There is one answer that’s better – although there are several answers that could start with “no, He wants …”

Curious?  Confused?

Let me try to help straighten out this question.

Does Jesus want to carry us when times are tough? More

What’s the meaning of life? Or is life meaningless?

What’s the meaning of life? Or is life meaningless?  Those are questions that lots of people ask at various stages of our life.  It’s maybe most important though as we get older.  We wonder, was it all worthwhile.  Or maybe even feel like our life wasn’t worthwhile.  Could we have done things differently?  Better?  And maybe we wonder, what comes next?

What’s the meaning of life? Or is life meaningless? More

If you want to walk on water ... expect a storm

If you want to walk on water … expect a storm

If you want to walk on water … expect a storm. If you want to walk on water is the beginning of a great John Ortberg book. His book title ended with You’ve got to get out of the boat. I borrowed the first part but switched out the ending to expect a storm.

However, there’s part of that “getting out of the boat” that isn’t always so obvious.
Or maybe it is obvious. But we choose to ignore it? I expect it’s the latter. We want to ignore it.

If you want to walk on water … expect a storm More

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