
demanding the meaning of truth

Demanding the meaning of truth – Part 1

Demanding the meaning of truth.  It’s from an interesting song – Freedom for the World.  Full of hope – like the title words, demanding the meaning of truth.  Also full of warnings like, if we don’t get it together we’ll be gone.  Not to mention the conclusion, Look to your heart and let love lead the way.  The irony is that depending on your point of view, the words of the song lead to wildly varying meanings of truth!  We will, of course, look at it from a Christian point of view. 

Not the “nominal” Christian who tends to be little more than Christian in name only.  Or from the “average” Christian, who follows the parts of Jesus’ teachings that they like, and finds ways to rationalize ignoring the things they don’t like.  Instead, we’ll look at it from the point of view of the way Christians are actually taught to live.  A way that none actually achieve, other than Jesus Himself. 

Demanding the meaning of truth – Part 1 More

Truth + Half Truth = Half Lie = Lie

Truth + Half-Truth = Half-Lie = Lie

Truth + Half-Truth = Half-Lie = Lie.  It’s a progression.  We start with the truth.  Add in something that’s not quite true.  Now it’s a half-truth.  But it’s really half-lie.  And the conclusion we reach with that half-lie is almost certainly an outright lie.  The big question is, are we willing to acknowledge that?  Maybe even, are we capable of acknowledging that?  Or are we so conditioned to even the half-lie that we think even something with the tiniest piece of truth must really be true?

Truth + Half-Truth = Half-Lie = Lie More

failure in church leadership

What happens when there’s a failure in church leadership?

What happens when there’s a failure in church leadership?  Actually, the better question is what should happen when there’s a failure in church leadership?  The example we’ll look at is real.  It happened.  And it’s sure tempting to blame the Bishop.  In fact, that’s pretty much what the New York Times article does.  But there are deeper issues.  Larger questions.  One of them – how did this situation ever get to the point where $2.3 million dollars was spent on a home for a retiring Bishop?

What happens when there’s a failure in church leadership? More

Our Father

Our Father

This then is how you should pray: Our Father…
But what does the word “Father” really mean? It’s a common enough word. But does it have the “common” meaning in this context?

Our Father More

Real Christianity isn't easy. You do not want to leave too, do you?

Being a real Christian isn’t easy. You do not want to leave too, do you?

Becoming a Christian is easy.  You know – say the sinner’s prayer and voila, you’re a Christian.  Or so we’re often told.  But, saying “I’m a Christian”, or being told, “You’re a Christian” – does that really make someone a “real” Christian?  No, it doesn’t.  Being a real Christian isn’t that easy.  It takes a lot more than just some words.  Many who start off on the path to becoming believers end up leaving that path.  At one point, Jesus even asked His closest followers, You do not want to leave too, do you? 

Being a real Christian isn’t easy. You do not want to leave too, do you? More

The Lord gives and the Lord takes away

The Lord gives and The Lord takes away

The Lord gives and the Lord takes away.  It’s a pretty common saying.  It’s most likely to be used when something bad happens.  Like it’s supposed to make people feel better.  And it might actually accomplish that goal – if it was told correctly.  It’s like the old thing about the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth.  So here’s the truth about the Lord gives and the Lord takes away.  It’s true.  However, it’s not the whole truth.  Therefore, it isn’t actually “nothing but the truth”.

The Lord gives and The Lord takes away More

sanitized evil

Sanitized evil

Maybe that’s a problem – sanitizing evil. No – lot’s of people won’t want to see it. But to some extent – maybe we should. We can’t smell it.  We can’t get inside the head of the person who committed the act. And we think – “it’s bad”.   But we still don’t really know.

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